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I’ve gotten our garden almost completely planted.  We put a stronger fence up this year–and it better keep those rabbits out!  I planted cucumber, green beans, sugar snap peas, zucchini, Romaine lettuce, black seeded simpson lettuce, green onions, grape tomatoes, asparagus, cilantro and chives.  Some were from seed so I hope they come up.  Elsewhere in the backyard we have a grapevine, blueberries, raspberries, big tomatoes and I’m going to plant some watermelon and pie pumpkin seeds.  I think my son wants to plant mint, also.  And for flowers–morning glories, sweet peas, and sunflowers.  I even have some Texas bluebonnets, which I’ll try, but I doubt they’ll grow.

A couple of days ago we visited the Chicago Botanic Garden.  It’s so beautiful there!  I’ve never gone in the spring before, so it was neat to see things just coming up and blooming.  We’ll have to go back in a few months, though.  Here are some

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