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Giveaway: Magformers Challenger Set! Awesome toy for ages 3-13!

Last week I shared my family’s reaction to playing with the new Magformers Challengers Set.  There’s a great video of the kids there, too.  Well, if you read my review and LOVED what my kids did with the Magformers, I have good news. You can WIN a Magformers Challengers Set of your very own! It retails for $179.99!

Magformers Giveaway

What’s inside

When you open the Magformers Challenger box, you will find brightly colored squares, pentagons, hexagons, triangles, and wheels. Other sets, like the dinosaur set my son got today for his birthday, have more shapes like trapezoids and curved pieces.

It also comes with an instructional booklet that teaches kids how to form the amazing shapes printed on the box.

When I first opened the box, my 13-year-old son immediately pulled out some pieces and built a 3-dimensional shape. His dad walked by and started explaining to him about a dodecahedron!


Here are three ways to use the Magformers in your home (or classroom):

  1. With preschoolers and kindergartners, you can use the pieces to teach the basic shapes. They can classify them by attaching all the triangles together, all the squares together, etc. Or they can classify by colors because they come in a beautiful array of colors!
  2. Kids can be challenged to create their own designs. My kids have already made some very original ones like an eel and spaceship.
  3. Kids can learn to follow directions by looking at the instruction book and doing exactly what it says to do. The instruction book is 26 pages long.

Magformers Giveaway 2

Similar Toys

Educents also has some other similar Magformers Challengers Set that you’ll want to check out that are perfect for holiday shopping. Kids, Moms, and Teachers will all love these geometric shapes games and activities:

Educents offered one of my readers the Magformers Challengers Set! To enter the giveaway, fill out the form below. The winner will be chosen on October 19th.

Fill out the  Magformers Challengers Set Online Giveaway Form to enter. Giveaway ends Tuesday October 20.  **Update: Sandra is the winner! Thanks for entering, everyone.
(Disclosure: I received a complimentary Magformers Challenger Set and compensation for writing this honest review. I am also an affiliate for Educents, and this post contains affiliate links.)
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  1. Sandra Watts says:

    These are really nice.

  2. Christa Spence says:

    I’ve seen these and thought they look pretty neat, but the price was just too much for me to buy them.

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