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Giveaway “Summer Family Fun Pack” from Chicago Botanic Garden

Botanic Gardens Summer Family Fun Pack


I’m happy to offer a Giveaway “Summer Family Fun Pack” from Chicago Botanic Garden.  You probably know the Botanic Garden is one of our Favorite field trip destinations!  It’s one of the great wonders of the Chicago area, and if you haven’t been there (or haven’t been there lately), you need to go!  I’m excited to get out there again soon.  Last time we were there we missed the Fruit and Vegetable garden, which will be in full growth in a few weeks!


We also love the Model Railroad Garden and Butterflies & Blooms.  The Garden itself is free–and it’s huge.  But there is a cost for parking and for the special exhibits Model Railroad Garden and Butterflies & Blooms.  That’s where Summer Family Fun Pack comes in.  You can save 30-40% off with the special.  It includes parking for one car and tickets for 5 to the Model Railroad Garden and Butterflies & Blooms.  Valid through September 1, 2014.  It costs $50/family (limit of 5 people).


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Enter to win on the Rafflecopter app below.  Please only enter if you live in the area–or will be visiting before September 1!  The winner will be chosen on 7/20/14 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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(Disclosure:  I received a Summer Family Fun Pack for my family.)

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  1. We love the botanic gardens and have never been to the train exhibit. Abby would love it.

  2. Michelle Habrych says:

    We love the Japanese island and the waterfalls. We love to bring our drawing pads and pastels to capture the beauty. Love the Botanic Gardens!

    1. What a great idea! We should bring our drawing pads next time!

  3. Lissette Guzman says:

    Botanic gardens is a great place to walk and be at peace. Family loves botanic gardens!

  4. We haven’t been to the gardens since my teenagers were little. My husband is a train enthusiast, so we’d love to see the model train exhibit!

    1. Oh, he would love it! The men who run it are train enthusiasts, too!

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