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Goal Check/ Shedd Aquarium

It’s the end of the month and time for a goal check!

# Finish reading through the Bible (I started, but didn’t finish last year.)
Doing well–I finished I Samuel and started II Samuel

# Memorize the book of James
Need to start working on this daily, haven’t progressed at all.

# Have a daily Quiet TIme with the Lord
I started setting my alarm to wake up early 2 days ago.  That should help!

# Become more Christ-like, especially more joyful, patient, kind and gentle
Well. . .  I’m trying.

# Get back to pre-pregnancy weight
I lost a few pounds this month.

# Eat fast food only once a week
Only messed up one week in January.

# Exercise
I started riding my exercise bike last week.  A good motivation is to read aloud while I’m exercising.  I started reading "Five Little Peppers."  But I’ll be moving the baby into that room next week, so I’ll have to figure out something else.

# Eat less desserts/sweets
Not doing too well here.

# Blog at least once a week

# Make stockings and Christmas tree skirt before next Christmas
I bought some fabric in early January on clearance.  It’s sitting there waiting for me.

# Read the following books:  Created to Be His Helpmeet, Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, The Heart of Anger, Sense and Sensibility and Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
I haven’t read any of these in January.  Right now I’m reading the new Old Schoolhouse Magazine.

# Clean out/ organize and decorate the boys’ and girls’ rooms.  Make curtains for their rooms and bathroom.
I bought fabric (also on clearance–7 yards for $23!) for the bathroom window curtain and shower curtain.  I also went to look at paint colors for the boys’ room.  My husband pulled off the ugly duck border which has been in their room for 6 years!  Slowly, but surely we’ll get it done!

Homeschooling Goals:
My oldest son has the phonogram chart almost completely memorized, my 4 yo has half of it memorized and my 3 yo knows almost all her letters and numbers.  We’re moving steadily along in memorizing verses and the Old Testament books of the Bible.  Our music classes are going well.  I finally put things on our timeline!  I’ve added some more chores (making sandwiches, loading the dishwasher and vacuuming).  And the kids are doing well with sign language.

I would still like to spend more time reading aloud and with narration, progress quicker with handwritng so we can start copywork, do more with art, and implement the If-Then Chart.  We also haven’t done any Spanish

Another goal we have is to go on a field trip every month.  Today we went to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.  We ended up buying a Family Membership Pass since it was barely more expensive than today’s single visit.  So, we’ll be returning at least once more in the next year!  I love the Shedd Aquarium!

We saw huge sea turtles, caimans, an anaconda, a baby beluga (with it’s mom), a huge komodo dragon, dolphins, sea otters, sharks, sting rays, etc.  If you’re ever in Chicago, be sure to visit!

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