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Goal Check

2007 Goals

  • Finish reading through the Bible
  • Memorize the book of James
  • Have a daily Quiet TIme with the Lord
  • Become more Christ-like, especially more joyful, patient, kind and gentle
  • Get back to pre-pregnancy weight
  • Eat fast food only once a week
  • Exercise
  • Eat less desserts/sweets
  • Blog at least once a week
  • Make stockings and Christmas tree skirt before next Christmas
  • Read the following books:  Created to Be His Helpmeet, Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, The Heart of Anger, Sense and Sensibility and Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 
  • Clean out/ organize and decorate the boys’ and girls’ rooms.  Make curtains for their rooms and bathroom

Above are my goals.  Again I’ve done well in some areas and not so well in others.  I’ve had a daily Quiet Time (not always in the morning!) and am doing well with reading through the Bible, but I’m having a hard time with my goal of memorizing James.  I am realizing that it is getting more difficult to memorize; I guess I have to admit it:  I’m getting older!  So, I just have to accept that it’s going to be work and make myself do it.

For health and fitness, I’ve done better about eating less fast food, but still eat too many sweets.  I lost only one pound in February, so I really need to exercise!

Household goals:  I made a shower curtain for the kids’ bathroom and have started a window curtain.  We’ve been looking for contractors for finishing our basement, but it is way more expensive than we thought it would be.  After that, we’ll paint the kids’ rooms and I’ll start making their rooms more fun and organized.

Blogging–I did blog at least once a week.  Reading–I’ve been reading, but none of the things on the list above!  For March I plan to finish "Created to be His Helpmeet" and start "Sense and  Sensibility."

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