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Heritage Farm Festival

A couple of Saturdays ago we went to a nearby Heritage Farm Festival.  The purpose of the event is to keep farm life and ideas alive.  It was so much neater than I expected.  Below are some pictures.

Above:  A corn cob is placed in the top and turned to remove the kernels from the cob.  Then the kernels are placed in another machine to grind them into corn meal.

A lady showing us how to spin wool:

Above:  A lady showed us how to cook "out on the prairie."
Below:  Both boys got to make a rope by twisting three pieces of twine together.

Above:  This machine was cutting lumber with a saw using power from a steam engine.
Below:  Several pictures of the cutest baby in the world!

My little sweetie pie making eyes at me!

And, no babyhood is complete without the "food on the face" pictures:

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  1. castlekids says:

    The Farm Festival looks wonderful! Gotta love the cute baby food photos too!

  2. REInvestor says:

    We have gone to some events like this too and just went to one Columbus Day WE as well.

    by the way our website for our stove business is I don't want to post it on my blog b/c too much info can be found out about where we live, etc. And although I don't mind if my blogging friends know; since it is public I don't necessarily want just anyone to know.

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