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Homeschooling Moms With Apps–Christianity

I was recently asked whether I had any great Christian apps.  Unfortunately, this is an area that is underdeveloped, in my opinion.  We need to get some great new apps created for Christians!  Here’s what I do have, though.

The Bible by You Version  This is a great free version of many translations of the Bible.  There is a search feature, highlighting, bookmarks, and different Bible reading plans!

ESV Bible  If you can’t get ESV downloaded for offline use with the previous Bible version, you can do it here.

ICB Illustrated Bible  The book of John is free, illustrated comic book style with the Scripture (not Bible stories)

Bible Bee Study Pro  We used this app to study our verses for the Bible Bee competition, but it’s great for Bible memory work throughout the year.  There are hundreds of verses and passages to choose from, different Bible versions, a quiz game, etc.

Moody Radio  app to hear the radio station or Praise and Worship music.

I think it would be neat to have a prayer journal app, but haven’t found one yet.  I use the included app called Notes and put prayer requests on a page there.

Please let me know if you’ve found some other great Christian apps!

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