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Science Fun!

Science Collage 2

We’ve been having some fun science time around our home lately. My husband and kids found a praying mantis in the yard. We got a cage and some crickets (10 for $1 at the pet store!) and had her for a couple of weeks. We know it was a “her” because she laid an egg sac! The last time we did this, we kept the egg sac in the garage all winter, then set it out in the spring. We saw the baby praying mantis hatch!

My preschoolers also did a simple activity to learn about leaves changing in the fall. I love all the great books at the library you can find about leaves changing!

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  1. We kept a praying mantis recently too! We kept it in a butterfly cage and my son kept catching bugs for it to eat. Fascinating to watch! After some tears we finally convinced my son that we should let it go (or else we would probably kill it). A few days later we found an egg sac in our garden! I don’t know if it was hers, but how neat if it was! We took the tall grass that it was on and put it in the cage in the garage. I hope we get to see them hatch like you did! My son would be thrilled!

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