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How to celebrate Constitution Day

Did you know that every September 17 is Constitution Day in the United States?  It is!  And this year we celebrate it this coming Friday.

There is an organization called Constituting America whose purpose is to help educate America about our Constitution.  They have a contest every year, and this year a teen in our church won the High School Short Film division!

or see it here at Constituting America .

There are some other great winners.  I particularly liked the college speech.

We have a wonderful DVD called “A More Perfect Union” which is a dramatization of the writing of the U.S. Constitution.  See if you can find a copy of it at your library or order it here.  They also have some free education materials on the site.

It was such a privilege a couple of years ago in Philadelphia to see the actual room where the framers sat day after hot day working on the writing of this amazing document!

In addition to watching the above videos, here are a ton of other ways to celebrate Constitution Day!








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