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How We Use Kindle Books in Our Home

Kindle Giveaway


I’m happy to share with you today how we use Kindle books in our home.  I don’t own a Kindle, but you don’t need one in order to read Kindle books!  I have the Kindle app on my phone, tablet, and computer, so it’s so easy just to read them or print from there! (The Kindle giveaway has ended.)

Often, Amazon offers Kindle books for free or very discounted.  Usually, the ebook version of any book is cheaper than the physical book version.  I try to get them inexpensively and then they are always available for us to use.  I have devotional books, blogging books, and homeschooling books.  We also use them for literature in our homeschool.

Here are a few of my favorites:

One thing I learned recently was that our library offers ebook check-outs.  I was trying to get a book (Divergent) that was very popular, and the hold time was months away.  So, I checked out the ebook version instead, and it came through Kindle!

I’ve heard so many good things about this special Kindle for kids:

So, if you haven’t tried Kindle books yet, give them a try!

And you will definitely want to check out the Build Your Bundle sale which has some incredibly low prices on digital curriculum–only through June 1, 2015!

2015 Build Your Bundle Homeschool Sale

(This post contains affiliate links.)

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One Comment

  1. We haven’t really gotten into ebooks, but I’m sure one day we will have to take the plunge =)

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