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Imagination Station blog tour book review and giveaway

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I am excited to introduce you to a great new book series called the Imagination Station series.  Do you recognize “Imagination Station?”  Yes, it’s the time machine from Adventures in Odyssey!  These books are historical fiction using the tool of the Imagination Station to send Patrick and Beth, cousins, to different past historical time periods.  It’s described as a Christian version of Magic Tree House.  We were given a set of the books and enjoyed reading books 5 and 6 together as a family.  My three oldest kids read the first four books on their own as well.

We will be having our first Giveaway here at I Choose Joy!  I have a set of all six books to give to someone with a U.S. or Canadian address!  All you have to do is leave a comment.  I’ll be blogging about the books Monday through Friday this week, so you can leave a comment each day–a total of five entries!  The winner will be chosen randomly and announced next Monday, November 14.

Below is my review of the books.  Join me tomorrow as I’ll be sharing more about the authors and a special Q and A with one of them!

I love to use historical fiction in our history studies.  We read a history text as well, but stories are so much more memorable and really help the kids understand the times better.  So, I was very excited to find the Imagination Station book series!  They are written by some of the same authors who write the Adventure in Odyssey radio dramas, and are from a Christian perspective.  One unique thing about these books is the age range they are written for: ages 7 and up/ early readers.  I rarely find books that my younger readers can read by themselves.  These were perfect for my 7 and 9 year olds!  The stories are exciting, the words easy to read, and the chapters short.  And, yet, they are reading a “chapter book” by themselves!  I’m looking forward to more of these books so we can explore many more time periods and people of history!  See the website to find lots more information such as family activites, devotional, parents page, vocabulary lists, etc.

If you’d like to purchase the books, here’s a referral link to Barnes and Noble:


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  1. SuperFan Natalie :) says:

    We love Odyssey too! When each of our children turns 10, they take a special trip alone with Mom or Dad for a few days. Lydia turns 10 in February and she has chosen to go to Colorado to Focus on the Family. She is super excited!

  2. toby needs some new books! maybe i will finally win something

  3. Lissette Guzman says:

    Our family loves Adventures in Odyssey. I will definately look into these books. Thanks for sharing the info.

  4. What great give away! My family loves listening to Adventures in Odyssey everyday. What a treat it would be to read it too!

  5. My girls love Adventures in Odessy……i’ll stream it for them in the mornings sometimes instead of having the morning cartoons on, or we’ll listen to it in the car on the way home from church wednesday nights. They wont leave the car until its over 🙂

  6. I would love to win these, they sound amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Christina Fischer says:

    My youngest two boys love to listen to the ODyssey CDs! I am very excited about this new book series. I am sure this is something that would get them reading more! Thanks for the review.

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