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Imagination Station- What the future holds

I hope you’ve enjoyed the Q and A with Marianne Hering, main series author of the Imagination Station book series.  Here are a few more insights from her, and she tells us about the next books which will come out.

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Imagination Station Blog Tour

Q&A with Marianne Hering

9. What do you hope kids will walk away with after reading Imagination Station?

A smile and a desire to learn more about history and faith in Jesus Christ.

10. Can you give us any “sneak peeks” into what we can expect in future books?
Here’s the not-so-sneak peek. Book 7 is advertised in book 6, and I already have material about it on Book 7 is set in ancient Egypt and involves a mummy and a scary tomb. Book 7 is at the printer right now. It’s my favorite cover so far.


Book 8 is exciting because we have a new author joining our team. We’re writing this one with best-selling Christian author Wayne Thomas Batson. We wanted to tell a pirate story, and since he’s an expert and had already written some fabulous pirate stories, we asked him to help us. Book 8’s title is Mystery of Starlight Island. Look for Wayne Thomas Batson’s “Focus on the Family approved” pirate books, The Isle of Swords and The Isle of Fire (for upper elementary and tween readers). Go to and type Wayne Batson in the search box.


Book 9 sneak-peek. We’re going to the most modern setting yet. The kids will be visiting a famous person who lived during WWII.

If you’d like to order the books, please use my referral link to Barnes and Noble.  Thanks!

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  1. I’d love to win a set of these books, I’ve been a fan for many years

  2. I would love to win these books. We have 2 kids (5 and 2.5) that I homeschool and they love reading books.

  3. stacey mccastlain says:

    We love adventures in odyssey. I discovered your blog through their site when they posted about the give away.

  4. Ariqua Campbell says:

    Cannot wait to gift these books to my little brother! I appreciate family friendly fiction so much!

  5. I’d love to win these books! In Mexico, it’s not easy to find good books for kids. I’ve listened to Odyssey online for years along with my missionary family. We love Odyssey!

  6. what fun my kids would love these books! I am so happy i found your blog:) thanks.

  7. Amanda Smith says:

    I would love to get these as a gift for my son. He loves reading books like this. He has been listening to Adventures in Odessy on the radio. I know he’d love these books!

  8. Brenda Newdiger says:

    I would love to win the books for my son. He is a struggling reader and I really think these books would encourage his reading. He LOVES Odyssey – we hear it 24/7 at home.

  9. Karen Frey says:

    GREAT BLOG! We all loved reading Book 5, and would love to read the others!

  10. My whole family loves Adventures in Odyssey. This sounds like a great opportunity. I have to siblings that would really love these books. They are huge fans of the show!

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