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Keepin’ it Real Spring Home Tour & Blog Hop

Keepin It Real Spring Home Tour

Do you sometimes feel like a failure when it comes to homemaking?  Do you ever beat yourself up for not keeping your house spic and span?  Do you thumb through magazines and ever wonder why your house can’t look like that, or when you visit your favorite bloggers you wonder how they can keep a tidy home but you can’t?

House porch with wicker furniture and flowers

Well, let’s get REAL!!  You are NOT a failure; your house does NOT have to be spic and span 24/7; those magazine photos are NOT real life; and I can guarantee you that the neat and tidy pictures you see of bloggers’ homes are hardly ever like that on a regular basis. It’s easy to clean up right before a photo shoot.

So I thought it would be encouraging and fun to do a little home tour of my own (along with several other bloggers – make sure you check out the other home tours at the end of this post).  You know, kind of like those lovely house tours that DIY/Home bloggers do that show pictures of their immaculate, magazine-worthy homes?  Like that, but a little different.  For this home tour we won’t pretty up our houses or make them picture perfect, but rather show them as they are in their usual state – lived in! Oh boy, are you ready for this?

We hope that through these home tours that you are encouraged to know that nobody- especially me- has it all together, and that’s okay; that you have fun peeking into the life of another family and seeing how other moms do things; and also to dispel the myth that bloggers have a flawless life.

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Here is my house, untouched, Monday morning. We did straighten up and vacuum the main level Sunday since we had some people over that night. But since they didn’t go upstairs or in the basement, well, you can see!

My kitchen:

Keepin' it Real Home Tour


Keepin' it Real Home Tour

Dining Area:

Keepin' it Real Home Tour

Homeschool Room/Office:

Keepin' it Real Home Tour

Family room:

Keepin' it Real Home Tour Keepin' it Real Home Tour

Living room:

Keepin' it Real Home Tour


Keepin' it Real Home Tour

My bedroom:


My bathroom:


Laundry area (hallway outside bedrooms):


Sitting room/sewing/homeschool storage room:

sewing homeschool room


Basement 003 Basement 002 Basement 001

Home Sweet Home!


Get help with your own homemaking here:

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. This blog was just what I needed to see right now. Can I just say that your home and photos are beautiful – a site for sore eyes. This homeschooling mama has been very discouraged. Sometimes not getting a dent made in my house keeping to do list leaves me feeling like a failure, but now I am reminded of the marvelous community of homeschoolers – and the calling we have that sometimes keeps us from getting it all done. Once again I’m thanking God for my beautiful mess. Thank you so much.

    1. By the way – the fact that your couch cushions were not even on the couch – is it wrong that that made my entire day! Love it!!

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