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Learning about Thanksgiving

Ways to Spend Your November Learning about Thanksgiving

We have been studying Pilgrims and Thanksgiving for the past few weeks.  I read aloud Stories of the Pilgrims, which I highly recommend.


We also listened to A Thanksgiving to Remember by Barbara Rainey (Family Life).  It’s an excellent recording, which uses sound effects, music and different characters speaking to tell of the Pilgrims’ journey to America.

We read lots of books from the library, too.  One book we enjoy is Cranberry Thanksgiving by Devlin.  We made the Grandmother’s famous cranberry bread.  It’s great.  This was also fun since we went to a cranberry bog and saw the harvest in October.  Go buy some bags of cranberries, and stick them in your freezer.  They’ll last for a year!  Then find the book at the library, and try the bread!


For our Bible Time, we looked up and read many Scriptures about being thankful.  The boys also wrote some of these verses for copywork.

I always learn things, too, as I’m teaching my kids.  For example, did you know that there were only 5 women still alive for the first Thanksgiving?  They had to cook all that food for 3 days for 150 people!  I also learned what some of their objections were with the Church of England.  A couple were that they didn’t want to sing hymns, only Psalms (words straight from Scripture) and didn’t want to celebrate Christmas or Easter, since they aren’t listed in the Bible either.

This week we’ll finish our reading and do some cooking–I’m in charge of pies this year.  We’ll make 2 pumpkin, 1 apple and 1 pecan.  The kids will also do some drawing and writing from the book “Draw Write Now” (Book 3: Native Americans, North America, and Pilgrims).

Below are some pictures of our Thanksgiving lapbook.  We finished it last Friday!  I used resources from Hands of a Child, Live And Learn Press and lots of other things from the internet.

You can find these and lots of other resources for studying about Thanksgiving at CurrClick

And a Thanksgiving greeting to you all from my 6yo!


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  1. I was searching for some ideas for a Thanksgiving lapbook. Thanks for sharing. I really like your lapbooks, and the picture of the Indians is great!

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