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My “Get Healthy in 2015” Update #1

I’m really excited!  As you may remember I have decided to get healthy for 2015.  I have already lost 4 pounds and 7 1/2 inches after 8 days of T-Tapp exercise and 5 days of clean eating (Daniel Plan 10-Day Detox diet: no sugar, no gluten, no dairy)!  This was really a challenge for me because I doubt I have ever gone a single day in my life sugar/gluten/ and dairy free.  I love my sweets, bread, and cheese!  But having the great recipes and meal plan in the Daniel Plan 10-Day Detox diet has kept me fully satisfied!

I learned to buy all kinds of new ingredients and prepare many meals that are healthy, fun, and delicious. Even my kids tried some of them, so maybe a transition to a healthier home won’t be as difficult as I originally thought. I also froze some of the meals I made in single servings so if others are eating something I shouldn’t, I can easily eat something that’s good for me.

One funny story was that last Monday I was supposed to chop a jicama into sticks to eat with hummus. I remember fondly that my grandmother used to serve us jicama.  🙂  My husband helped me grocery shop last weekend, so when I went to the fridge to get it, realized I didn’t know what the jicama looked like.  There were 3 things I couldn’t identify; I knew one had to be a beet, one a turnip, and the other a jicama.  Google Images to the rescue!

For exercise, I mostly did the T-Tapp Basic Workout Plus Tempo DVD (18 minutes).  Two days I did some random T-Tapp exercises.  And one day I didn’t exercise at all.  Today I’m entering the 60-Day T-Tapp Challenge.  I’m hoping that by having to enter my measurements again in 60 days, it will motivate me to be consistent!

By the way, you can get the Basic Workout Plus DVD and start getting fit and fabulous in 15 minutes!  It’s only $35.95 in January and comes with 3 bonus items: Barefoot Basic Plus DVD (Retail $29.95), Basic Plus Tempo DVD (Retail $29.95), and Yes You Can with T-Tapp DVD (Retail $19.95)



(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. What great progress!! Good for you! I’ve never had jicama but someone else suggested I try it, I’ll have to try and find it at the store!

  2. Wow, I wish I’d had the time to come find this before now! So cool that you’ve been doing Daniel Plan also! I didn’t quite make it all the way through a detox; I like cheese entirely too much. 😉 I’m about to do a 7 day sugar fast though (in addition to the gluten). I also bought a jicama for the Daniel Plan but I haven’t cut into it yet. Time to make a second batch of hummus (the first one got eaten! YAY!!) so I can try that! Thanks for the reminder! I appreciate your linking up with WLW and look forward to catching up with your story! Blessings!

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