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New Year’s Goal to Exercise?

Like many of you, I have a goal to exercise more this year.  A few years ago I discovered the BEST exercise program ever–called T-Tapp.  No, it doesn’t have anything to do with tap dancing!  The lady who developed the program is Teresa Tapp.

Her book explains it all, but you can read so much on the website, as well as trying out many of the exercises.  What’s different about T-Tapp compared to other exercise programs?  She focuses on activating many more muscles for each exercise, so you’re able to get a complete workout in far less time.  In fact, her Basic Workout Plus only takes 15 minutes!  Here’s what Teresa says about this workout:  BasicPlus is the first half of the Total Workout plus Hoe Downs – the 3 minute sugar blasting move that can drop glucose 62-85 points.  Basic Plus proves that less IS more with T-Tapp. Its focus of maintaining body alignment through movement by using T-Tapp method of muscle activation improves strength, flexibility and healthy heart function. Its special sequence not only improves lymphatic function and elimination, it also helps balance muscle imbalance.

I would recommend you start with that one, and it’s on sale this month, as part of the January Special!  You’ll get the Basic Workout Plus (which includes a full Instructional and the workout without instruction) and the Basic Tempo DVD.

Basic Tempo is what I now use for that workout since I’ve learned the Basic Workout Plus so well.  AND you get the Yes You Can DVD, which is Teresa’s seminar explaining the unique qualities of T-Tapp.  All for only $35.95!

 January Special:

Basic Workout Plus DVD,  Basic Plus Tempo DVD (Retail $29.95), plus Yes You Can DVD (Retail $19.95), Measuring Tips, How To Guidelines, God Made/Man Made Dietary Program and Unlimited Free Tech Support!

ONLY $35.95 for the month of January
Retail Value Over $75.00!

Click here to see the T-Tapp January Specials.

Personally, I prefer working out at home, in my family room, with no equipment, wearing my regular clothes–which I can do with T-Tapp!

(Contains affiliate links.)

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