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NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible (with a giveaway!)

We’re continuing our focus on National Bible Week, and I’m excited to share with you today about the new NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible by David Jeremiah!

Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible (with a giveaway)

This is really a neat Bible and one I’m glad that my kids will be able to use. Do you have a study Bible yourself? It’s so wonderful to have the tools in it that you need as you’re reading through to get more background or historical context in order to better understand the Biblical text.

Kids Study Bible


Take a look at some of the features of the NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible:

*Ages 6-10

*It uses a fun theme of being on a spaceship (the Airship Genesis).

*The Genesis Exploration Squad embarks on a series of adventures that takes them throughout the Bible. Each mission is a learning experience, both in biblical understanding as well as character building. Here are two of the characters: Logan and Emma.

NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible (with a giveaway!)

*There are easy-to-read and understand articles combined with an exciting full-color layout make this a great Bible for young children to study and learn Bible truths.NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible (with a giveaway!)

*Find beautiful illustrations throughout the Bible.

NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible (with a giveaway!)

*I love the highlights on Bible Heroes so the kids can learn more about these great men and women of the faith.

NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible (with a giveaway!)

*Each book of the Bible begins with a great overview and background so that they are ready to read all about it! Again, you’ll see the space/Airship Genesis theme tying all the study Bible material together.

NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible (with a giveaway)

*Includes a monthly audio series and website with extensive content for kids!

More info

I think this would be a great Bible to get your kids for Christmas or their birthday. Even though my favorite Bible version is ESV, the NKJV that the Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible  is in would be my second choice!

Take a look inside of NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible here and see what you think!


Now, take a moment to enter to win a copy. The contest will end Wednesday November 24, 2016 and the winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

Don’t forget the other National Bible Week contests I have going on this week. There is a Bible trivia game to win a copy of the Beginner’s Bible (for ages 8 and under). And, tomorrow, I will have a review and giveaway of a really neat Bible Journaling Kit complete with stickers, colored pencils, stencil, and journaling pen with a bag to keep it all together!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this Bible in order to write this honest review.)

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  1. Savannah Hadden says:

    I like that it has an overview before each book, to help get a better understanding of what your child is about to read! That seems really helpful

  2. I think this would appeal to young children because it is presented as an adventure and the graphics are eye catching.

  3. I would love to win this to give to my youngest grandson.

  4. I like that it is a study Bible but geared toward the younger age group. There are so many great study Bibles out there but most are for adults.

  5. I like that it is geared for kids!

  6. Kryste Herring says:

    It is hard to say what I like most about the NKJV Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible, the website shows so many features! In a nutshell, I would have to say that I love how it is created to engage a child and to encourage them to learn about biblical truths. This would make a wonderful gift for my son!

  7. I love that there is a website to go along with what they learn in this Bible! The whole thing looks really well thought out with the fun theme, colorful pictures & highlights!

  8. I’m always looking for a good kids Bible!

  9. Emily Frederick says:

    I like that it seems like it would go good with the Cub Scout Program’s duty to God.

  10. Gabrielly says:

    I like that it has an overview before each book.

  11. Jessica Medina says:

    I love how it is geared towards kids!

  12. I love that it has bright illustrations and it is told in a way appealing to kids.

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