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Only 2 More Days to Get Free $15 Gift Card from Educents!

There there are only 2 more days to claim your $15 gift card from Educents.  (The amount will be reduced to $10 on 3/15/13.)

What is Educents, you say? Educents is a new deal company that’s launching on April 2, 2013!  They will be teaming up with great educational product companies to offer us some awesome discounts!  They already have lined up to offer deals on

* foreign language classes

* online learning

* phonics programs

* study aides & textbooks

* brain fitness programs

* curriculum packages for all ages

* early development products

* financial literacy programs

* and so much more!!!

And that’s just in the first two weeks!

The best part? All the products will be discounted at 30-90% off.
Educents was founded by a homeschooling family who watched their mother struggle to afford the best learning materials. Shouldn’t every family have affordable access to educational resources? It was then the family had the lightbulb for Educents. Utilizing the ‘strength in numbers’ approach, Educents seeks to change the status quo of how educational materials will reach our kids.

So, head over to Educents to sign up to receive the emails — and your free $15 gift card before it’s too late!


(Post contains affiliate links.)

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