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Our homeschooling week

We’re about finished with our schooling for December.  Although we didn’t do all I had hoped, we had a great month.  On Monday we went to the Kohl Children’s Museum.  If you are ever in the Chicago area, I highly recommend it!  Lately, we finished reading "Dinosaurs of Eden" (Ken Ham).  The kids will watch the Dinosaur DVD by Ham today.  We’re still reading "Christmas in Bethlehem" and listening to "Little Women" in the car (I love that book!).  We finished up the first quarter of Mystery of History (vol. 2), and have been reading "Island of the Blue Dolphins" and "Farmer Boy."  My oldest son has been reading "Wizard of Oz", "Gallant Boys of Gettysburg" and finished "The Mystery Tribe of Camp Black Eagle."  For Bible we’ve been reading Scripture that goes along with the Jesse Tree (Advent), Matthew, and Revelation.  

Musically, we have been spending many evenings singing Christmas carols and songs together.  We’ve also listened to Handel’s Messiah.  My sons played solos at Thanksgiving and at a Christmas party last Sunday.  I’m so proud of them!  We had our last lesson with their violin teacher yesterday–it was so sad to have to leave her.  But I’m now looking for a teacher who can come to our house.

The girls are doing their gymnastics class and the boys started basketball (with Upwards) last Friday!

And we finished up the Twelve Days of Christmas lapbook.  Even though it’s probably not true that the verses relate to different Christian teachings, it was fun to learn about it.
Day 1–Christ our Savior died on the Cross
Day 2–The two testaments of the Bible
Day 3–Three gifts of the Magi or 3 virtues (love, faith, and hope)
Day 4–Four gospels
Day 5–The Pentateuch/ Torah (1st five books of the Bible)
Day 6–Six days of Creation
Day 7–Seven spiritual gifts
Day 8–Eight beatitudes
Day 9–Nine fruit of the spirit
Day 10–Ten Commandments
Day 11–Eleven faithful disciples
Day 12–Twelve points of the Apostle’s Creed

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