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Our Week in Review: Piano Recital, Project Fair, etc.!

I’m supposed to get “Our Week in Review” up on Fridays. Only 4 days late! 🙂

First up–the kids had their final Chapter presentation from their speech class.

ICC Collage

These 3 below had a piano recital on Sunday. The older boy played “The Pink Panther”, older girl played “Fur Elise”, and the younger daughter played in her very first recital! I was quite proud of these three.  Now, I have to get busy learning 4 piano accompaniments to play with my kids for their violin recital in June!

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Later on Sunday we went back to our church where our homeschool hosted a Project Fair.  It was kind of a combination of a talent show, project displays, and end-of-year party.  End of year?  Wow!  That sounds weird.  We still have so much to finish!  🙂

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Last week I had shared how we went to the Botanic Gardens.  If you look at this picture closely, you’ll see that someone is missing.

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Where was that sweet 2-year-old?  He was at the hospital having this done.  If you can’t tell what it is–well, we call him “Penny Boy” now!  (And he’s fine.)

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Here is my youngest and I in the van getting ready for a long week of driving for dress rehearsals for my oldest son’s show “Godspell.”  The show opens on Thursday!

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Science Time:  We made a salt crystal “brittle star” and grew beans in a jar (which have now been transplanted out in the garden).

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These ducks visit our yard every spring!



My 9-year-old daughter learned her times tables in 2 weeks using Times Tales!



I made this Minecraft ipod cover and hat, as requested by my middle sons. 🙂

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My niece is an art student at a school in Chicago and created this wonderful piece of digital illustration.

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Reviews and Giveaways coming up later this week for “Alpha-phonics” and these great books:


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And that’s it for now!

See the wonderful places I’ve linked up to here.

(Post contains affiliate links.)

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One Comment

  1. I love the brittle star, what a great idea.

    I’m very lucky, none of our ER visits have been for swallowing stuff, yet…….

    Thanks for linking up!

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