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Photo collage of last week

We’ve been experimenting a bit with this week.  Here is our photo collage:


1. We attempted a new header for my new blog format. The photo session didn’t go so well. . .

2. I canned 120 apples for apple butter!

3. Our pretty little “Rapunzel”, decorated by her sisters.

4. My 6-year-old asked to vacuum. I didn’t say No!

5. Notebooking with our new Bible Storybook. Review coming next Wednesday.

6. Every day the kids asked me to back the van out of the garage so they could roller-blade in there!

And my fitness update: I exercised every day! I’m doing a 10-day “Boot Camp” of the T-Tapp Basic Workout Plus. Only 3 more days, and then I’ll go back to every other day. But here’s the result: another 2 pounds lost! Yeah! Please come back on Monday for the start of our 6-week Fitness Challenge.

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  1. Hurray for you making that many cans of apple butter. I love encouraging kids to do chores.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. So glad you linked up! I love your photos — and now I want to make some apple butter, too!

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