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Pictures from Summer of Fun 2015

As we draw to the close of the Summer of Fun 2015 I though I’d share some pictures so we can remember the wonderful experiences we had.

Niagara Falls:

Canada Maine G camara 009



Canada Maine G camara 049

Canada Maine G camara 056

Quebec City:



Canada Maine G camara 079


The Sand Beach in Acadia National Park:

Canada Maine G camara 103

Canada Maine G camara 142 - Copy  Canada Maine G camara 185 - Copy

Lake House July 2015 014

Pemaquid Point in Maine:

Lake House July 2015 005


Boston, outside Fenueil Hall:

Canada Maine G camara 260 - Copy


With aunts and cousins at the 4th of July parade:

4th of July 2015 001 4th of July 2015 008

Lake House July 2015 007  Lake House July 2015 017 Lake House July 2015 024 Lake House July 2015 030 Lake House July 2015 070011




Volunteering at Feed My Starving Children:


004 Six Flags:


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The County Fair:

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Awesome time with my sister and her kids who can for a visit:

Spotlight Summer Showcase 2015 035Keep Calm and Homeschool 005 Keep Calm and Homeschool 022 Keep Calm and Homeschool 032 Keep Calm and Homeschool 033 Keep Calm and Homeschool 057009 014


And now to fall. . . .  🙂


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