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Preschool Picture Books

This is a reprint of an earlier post of some of my favorite books to read to my preschoolers.

Here are some children’s picture books that I have enjoyed:

A is For Adam and D is For Dinosaur by Ken and Mally Ham (great for creation science).

Where Does God Sleep, Momma by Nancy Bestmann.

The Quiltmaker’s Gift by Jeff Brumbeau (one of my favorites!).

M is For Melody by Kathy-jo Wargin.

Quilting Now and Then by Karen Bates Willing and Julie Bates Dock.

Robert McCloskey books (like Make Way for Ducklings and Lentil).

The Lord Builds the House: the 127th Psalm illustrated by Johannah Bluedorn.

Sandra Boynton books (like Blue Hat, Green Hat; Moo, Baa, Lalala; Birthday Monsters; Oh Me, Oh My, Oh DinosaursHippos Go Berserk).

Eric Carle Books (like Very Hungry Caterpillar, Very Quiet Cricket, Click Beetle, Mixed-up Chameleon, and Animals, Animals,a collection of poems).

Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert.

Curious George by H.A. Rey.

Kathleen Long Bostrom books (like What is God Like?, Who is Jesus?, What About Heaven?, Are Angels Real?).

Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.

The Remarkable Farkle McBride by John Lithgow.

Dr. Suess books (like ABC book; One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish).

Jan Brett books (like Berlioz the Bear, The Owl and the Pussycat.  She has beautiful illustrations.).

Sebastian: A Book About Bach by Jeanette Winter

Good Night Sweet Butterflies by Dawn Bentley.

The Veggiecational Book by Phil Vischer.

Stan and Jan Berenstain books (like Bears on Wheels and The Berenstains’ B Book).

Laura Ingalls Wilder picture books.

Beatrix Potter books.

Winnie the Pooh stories by A.A. Milne.

Raggedy Ann stories.

Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse by Lindsey Barrett George

books by Patricia Polacco

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Longfellow

St. George and The Dragon adapted by Margaret Hodges

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One Comment

  1. REInvestor says:

    The Jonathan Park tapes are wonderful for your kids once they hit about 6 or 7. My dc love them and they are learning so much from them in a really natural way. I even learn alot when I listen.

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