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Random Thoughts

As we had our basement finished this past spring, I’ve been meaning to get our furnace serviced and cleaned out.  The technician came this morning and reported that it is unsafe to run because we have a large crack in the heat exchanger!  We had it serviced about 2 years ago, so I wasn’t even planning on getting it checked for a couple more years.  Thankfully, we found out now and I’m glad it’s still fairly warm out.  Now, we have to buy a new furnace 🙁  .

Speaking of money, are you worried about the stock market problems and other issues in the economy?  Our pastor gave a great sermon on Sunday:  "What Would Jesus Say: When the Dow Drops 700 Points"  Hear it here.

I’ve been energized by politics in the last few weeks.  Why?  Sarah Palin, of course.  She is fascinating to me.  I would NEVER have the energy to do what she does, and would NEVER want to be President.  I do respect her, though.  I think that it’s beautiful to see her care for her baby.  I remember when I was pregnant with my 2nd or 3rd child being encouraged by my doctor to undergo certain tests to check for Down’s Syndrome.  When I declined, he said, "I think too many people think that having a Down’s child means he’ll be as capable as the actor on TV."  I was shocked.  He was telling me that any child not as "capable" as that actor should be killed!  I hope Palin will help people understand the beauty in special needs kids and perhaps abortion will decrease.

I have a couple of funny connections to the Palins.  I lived in Anchorage in the late 70s; my dad worked up on the North Slope.  We went to Wasilla for the State Fair!  Nowadays, I have some relatives (on my husband’s side) who live near there.  I also have an interesting connection to the Bush family.  We lived in Midland, Texas right before we moved to Alaska (there’s oil there too!) and went to the same church as George W. and Laura Bush.  Mrs. Bush was my VBS teacher one summer!

Well, it’s nap time.  More random thoughts to follow. . . .

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One Comment

  1. kristenph says:

    Ouch! So sorry about your furnace. It looks like you have been very busy. We're getting ready to study the Mayans next week. I wish I had realized there was a Jonathan Park story about the Mayans.

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