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R.E.A.D. Ready, Eager, Able and Determined to Read Grade 1 Curriculum (plus giveaway)

Do you have a first grader this year? I do! Last year as I was teaching her to read, we used some of the curriculum from Crafty Partners called R.E.A.D. Ready, Eager, Able and Determined for Kindergarten. My daughter loved working on her school papers every day! Now, I’m excited to tell you that R.E.A.D. Ready, Eager, Able and Determined for Grade 1 is available!

$40 Crafty Partners gift card giveaway and review of R.E.A.D. first grade curriculum

Here is my daughter last year working on R.E.A.D. Ready, Eager, Able and Determined to Read Kindergarten:


What is R.E.A.D. Ready, Eager, Able and Determined for Grade 1?

R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook Grade 1 is a 36-week reading, writing, and language arts program. It’s a follow-up to our best-selling R.E.A.D. Kindergarten program. However, you don’t have to have used the kindergarten program in order to start with Grade 1.

Special Features of  R.E.A.D. Ready, Eager, Able and Determined for Grade 1

It’s a complete reading program that covers vowel teams, graphemes, sight-words, and includes 29 early readers.

$40 Crafty Partners gift card giveaway and review of R.E.A.D. first grade curriculum

It’s a complete writing program that teaches sentence formation, paragraph building, and 9 forms of poetry.

It’s a complete language arts program that covers grammar, phonics, and includes an 8-week literacy unit on fables and fairy tales.

$40 Crafty Partners gift card giveaway and review of R.E.A.D. first grade curriculum

It includes a daily Writing Notebook and a colorful daily reference language arts folder.

$40 Crafty Partners gift card giveaway and review of R.E.A.D. first grade curriculum

It also includes hands-on games, activities, and worksheets throughout the program!

Your Prep Work for R.E.A.D Grade 1 Curriculum

You can choose to print single or double-sided in the necessary order. But, beyond printing, there is a no-prep, comprehensive weekly guide to map out your entire year!

My Take-Away

I’m so excited about the new R.E.A.D. Ready, Eager, Able and Determined for Grade 1 and am rethinking what I was going to use with my first grader this year since she enjoyed the kindergarten version so much last year.

$40 Crafty Partners gift card giveaway pinterest


I’m so excited to have a giveaway of a $40 gift certificate to the Crafty Classroom store! The giveaway will end Sept. 10, 2018 and the winner will have 24 hours to answer my email. Please enter on the Rafflecopter app below.


$40 Crafty Partners gift card giveaway and review of R.E.A.D. first grade curriculum
a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of READ Grade 1 in order to honestly review it here. This post also contains affiliate links.)

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  1. I think this would really help my struggling to read 8-year-old, the first grade book, whist I really like is it seems to go beyond the sight words to help sound out words with blends like ‘ai’ words.

  2. I would love the USA Activity Bundle Pack. That would be perfect for our US study this year!

  3. The Thanksgiving Bible Activity.

  4. I’m interested in the READ program and also the ABC Bible. I’m using the Sight Word program now and really like it. 🙂

  5. So excited to try this!! It looks wonderful!!

  6. Excited for opportunity..

  7. Oh, this would really help my sweet William, I think. Thank you for everything! -Robyn

  8. I can’t wait to try this!

  9. Alicia Hewitt says:

    I’m excited about the writing bundle pack. It is important to write well, and this pack definitely helps children tap into their creative side.

  10. Wren Lewis says:

    Honestly, all of the science stuff looks amazing! My son loves hands on things and it would be awesome to start him early on things like the periodic table of elements and get him into the scientific mindset with a journal. Thank you so much!

    1. Mary Krzyzanowski says:

      I’m interested in the R.E.A.D. Grade 1 for my 6 year old.

  11. Amy Beth McPherson says:

    I love the USA activity packet.

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