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Review/ Giveaway: Jamberry Nail Wraps

Jamberry Nail Wraps Review & Giveaway

Have you heard of Jamberry Nail Wraps? I was so excited to get to try them a few weeks ago. Read on for a review of Jamberry Nail Wraps and enter the giveaway to win two sheets!

My consultant is Ellen Pool, and she sent me the following items– a sheet of nail wraps, a sheet of sample nail wraps, a cuticle stick, some nail prep wipes, and a nail file (emery board). I supplied a few things of my own to aid in preparation and application: a nail buffer, fingernail scissors, and hair dryer. Later, I bought some cuticle oil at the store as well.

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The first thing I did was watch a couple of videos which really helped me understand how to appropriately apply the wraps and what’s different about them.

Application Video
Removal Video

Ellen sent me a few samples so I could try them out before using the full set on my nails. I decided to “try” them out on my daughter! She didn’t mind one bit.

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After doing a couple of her nails, I launched into doing my own.

Jamberry Nail Wraps reviewJamberry Nail Wraps review 2

Then my oldest daughter finished her own and then did her sister’s.

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The whole prep and application time took about 20 minutes–about as long as it would have taken me to paint my nails, with drying time. I followed the directions as well as I could to maximize the chances of my wraps sticking well and lasting a long time.  They should last up to 2 weeks. I still didn’t apply them perfectly, so I removed my (with warm coconut oil) after 4 days.

I was really happy with the way they turned out. Green isn’t my color, though, so I’m ready to try something new. For October, I’d like to get some pretty white ones with pumpkins called Maple Sugar and for Christmas I love the wraps called Christmas Socks!

My oldest wants a set for her birthday!

Jamberry Nail Wraps Review 3

The prices are $15 per sheet, or you can Buy 3 Get 1 FREE (licensed collegiate and sorority wraps are not included in that). To purchase the mini-heater, application kit and the Buy 3 Get 1 FREE as a package is $84. I will be having a Jamberry Facebook party on Monday November 2. If you’d like an invite, comment  below!  Here is a link to the current Jamberry Nail Wrap catalog.  Which wrap is your favorite?

So, are you ready to try them? I have 2 sets to give away to one blessed winner! Enter on the Rafflecopter app below. The winner will be chosen on 10/12/15 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a set of Jamberry Nail Wraps,  sample set, and application items in order to write this honest review.)

Jamberry Nail Wraps Review 2

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  1. i Love nail art , I have a kit of different designing tols and I would like to win these.

  2. Colleen Long says:

    They look so easy to apply! They have so many great patterns too.

  3. Amanda Morris says:

    warps adhere better to dry clean nails

  4. Emilie H. says:

    I learned how to better remove my Jamberry nails. I hadn’t thought to heat them before removal, but it makes sense!


  5. I love how straightforward these are to apply and to remove; I’d heard of them previously but was intimidated by the process. I shouldn’t have been!

  6. Marissa M says:

    I’ve tried taking the wraps off and had trouble. I’ll try your way next time.

  7. I never even thought to heat them up before removing them but it makes so much sense. I love Jamberry nail wraps. Thank you for the chance to win.

  8. I feel like I’m the only one who has never tried Jamberry. I hope I win!

  9. I didn’t know they could last two weeks! I’ve actually never used them before, they’re a cool idea but so expensive for just one set of nail decoration. I guess if they last two weeks it’s work it 🙂

  10. I love these! I hope I win so I can try them out!

    1. I learned to always remove them from one side to the other to avoid nail damage!

  11. I learned that nail wraps are heat and pressure activated.

  12. Sandra Watts says:

    I learned how easy it was to apply and even remove them.

  13. Deb Vasel says:

    So there is an easy way to remove them! I wondered about that.
    Thanks for showing.

  14. Emma Boyle says:

    I would like an invite!!

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