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Review/ Giveaway: Jesus Calling for Little Ones

Another wonderful children’s book is here for a review and giveaway today  .  This one is Jesus Calling for Little Ones by Sarah Young, illustrated by Antonia Woodward.

It’s a “Jesus Calling” book, which means that it comes from the adult book Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
(which I have written about here).  These devotions are so special because they are written as if Jesus were speaking directly to you.

I have also reviewed (and love!) Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids, which has shortened versions of the devotions that are in the adult book.

What’s special about Jesus Calling for Little Ones is that it’s written for toddlers.  There are 13 “devotions” to read to your child.  Each one is on 2 pages, with beautiful illustrations, a 4-5 line saying of words Jesus could be saying to your child, and a verse of Scripture.

Jesus Calling for Little Ones

One thing I really liked was that there is a specific phrase for each devotion that is in red. If you are reading to a baby or younger toddler who can only handle a few words per page, these are already picked out for you! You’ll read, “I created everything,” “I know everything about you,” and “I am everywhere!”

Jesus Calling for Little Ones

I’m happy to have a copy of this board book to give away. Enter on the Rafflecopter app below. The winner will be chosen on July 8 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in order to write this honest review.

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  1. Stephanie says:

    No, I have not heard of the books. They look interesting and like a more personal way for kids to hear, and take to heart, the message of Jesus.

  2. sheri anderson says:

    I have not heard of these books but they sound so perfect for my grandsons and I want them to know more about Jesus, thanks!

  3. Julie Waldron says:

    I’ve never heard of them but would like to win for my daughters.

  4. I have not seen these book, they look good though!

  5. Jenna Nicole says:

    I am not fimilar with Jesus Calling books. I would love to win for my son.

  6. I LOVE the Jesus Calling Books! I have one for when my daughter is older, but I would love a board book version we could begin reading now. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  7. Shaylin S says:

    I have one and love it!

  8. Melissa C says:

    I’ve heard of these books but have yet to get any. We do most of our book shopping at our local Goodwill, with a 6yr old, 5yr old and a 4 month old we have to be resourceful. We’ve just begun homeschooling and I’d love to include this awesome book into our daily reading time. Much love from WA!

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