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Why I Love The Ultimate Homeschool Organization eCourse

A couple of weeks ago I went through The Ultimate Homeschool Organization eCourse by Kristi Clover, an experienced homeschool mom of 5 and master at organization. I personally have been homeschooling for over 10 years and think of myself as being pretty good at organization, but I learned SO MUCH! I’m really happy to share a review and giveaway of the course today.

Ultimate Homeschool Organization eCourse review


There are 2 specific things I really loved about the course.

First, Kristi has each lesson on video, so she explains everything about the different systems face to face with you. I listened to them as I took a walk. They are short enough (around 10-20 minutes) so you can listen in short spurts. And then, you can go back to them when you’re ready to start implementing something that resonated with you.

Also, she has many printables and links that are so very handy. My favorite–that I’ve already used– is a weekly list that you can actually type in. I have used this for my kids’ daily check-off lists for chores during the summertime and will use it for schoolwork when we start up school soon.

There are 3 sections to the course:

Prepping & Planning

How to Prep & Plan for Your Homeschool Year

Kristi gives some very specific ideas for planning out the homeschool year. She starts out by helping you look through your whole year and marking down specific dates you won’t be doing school You do this on a printable she provides. Then, you are able to plan out lessons through the year. She is smart enough to know that things always come up that make us run behind–or maybe a child shows he or she already has mastery on a subject and can skip some lessons. So, she has a great idea for getting around that!

Creating Routines & Flow for Your School Day

Next, Kristi teaches you how to organize each day using routines and “time blocks” with “routines” versus “schedules.”

Organizing with “Systems”

The Crate System

You learn how to use a crate to organize the entire year’s work in one spot.

The Workbox System

You may have heard of workboxes before, but Kristi’s way doesn’t require you to change them out every day. Cool!

The White Board System

Very unique. You can set it up as a daily or weekly checklist and add a reward corner. So fun with the movable “buttons” that she shows you how to make.

The Binder System

This is what I usually do in my own homeschool, but Kristi even took a twist on this that I’ve never thought of before!

The Filing System

How your kids can store their work for the day — and for the whole year.

The Nuts & Bolts

Organizing Your Books & Your Homeschool Area

Great ways to organize the books you are using in your current homeschool year and how to best store other books you aren’t using.

How to Homeschool with “Littles” in the Room

More ideas than I ever would have thought of! I love this list.

Motivating Your Kids & Planning for FUN!

She shares lots of different techniques she has tried through the years that found success with, including lots of FUN ideas!

“Got Questions?,” Final Thoughts, & How to Stay Connected!

It’s great how people can leave comments and questions on each lesson throughout the course so they can get even more help.

Master List of All Supplies & Printables

All the links in one convenient place.

Please watch this video to see Kristi in action. I know you’ll love her like I do. (By the way, she is just the same in real life!)

PIck it up today and give your homeschool a boost. You won’t regret it!


(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. I’d like to learn about her systems.

  2. Katrina Morgan says:

    The simplification and organizing..getting it all done.

  3. I have crates I’m trying to use and would like inspiration

    1. You’ll definitely get inspiration for crates with this course!

  4. Awesome. I need organization and planning when it comes to schooling. Thanks!

    1. I agree I need more organization on school and my house in general!

  5. MaLynda Kramber says:

    Great giveaway. Thanks for sharing great ideas!

  6. I think systems look pretty awesome! I’m sure these ideas would really help me!

  7. Brenda G. says:

    Filing system is a number one priority and what I’m most excited to learn about doing.

  8. I struggle with organization, but am working on it! What excites me the most is learning from someone who knows her stuff and syas there is hope!!

  9. I struggle with organization, but am working on it! What excites me the most is learning from someone who knows her stuff and says there is hope!!

  10. Judith Martinez says:

    I think the printables look really helpful.

  11. Erin Morris says:

    I am just getting into Homeschooling and loving both your Blog and Raising Clovers. Would love to do the eCourse so I can get a handle on the overwhelming information out there.

  12. Jaclyn Cathcart says:

    I just love Kristy Clover! I would love to learn all she has to share! I can’t choose just one thing… This is our fist year homeschooling and any help I can find I benefit from! 🙂

  13. Toni Cintron says:

    This is an area i really can use some inspiration and help. 🙂

  14. I am Super Excited about the chance to win because I am a new homeschool, working mom of an 8th grader and I need ALL the prayers and help i can get!!!
    Thank you for the opportunity 🙂

  15. Brandi Vidrine says:

    I see that I’m not the only one who has issues with books and more books. 🙂

  16. Kimberly Listrud says:

    I currently use a binder for homeschooling but it is hard to know exactly what needs to go where still and it has been just a learn as I go experience and I know we could be more organized but I wasn’t sure where to find out how. I am excited about the whole course and the systems. I especially like that there are videos explaining each part. Thank you so much for the chance to win this amazing course.

  17. Lacy van Vuuren says:

    I love organization. I just have trouble getting there sometimes! With 7 kids, 5 homeschooling, I would like to be able to organize our mountains of books so the kids can put them away.

  18. Just having a way to be organized that works.

  19. Organizing with “Systems” excites me the most! I am a huge fan of organization and find this to be my best method of teaching. 🙂

  20. I love the videos and printables! I’d love to have this gem!

  21. Jennifer V says:

    Organization!!! The course will teach me how to do something I have struggled with and prepare me with printables. This is perfect for me. I want to be organized and haven’t the slightest clue where to begin. I would love this!

  22. I need help!!! I have wanted to get more organized and I’ve been doing fits and starts. I’d love to learn how her shelves look so organized. Thanks for the chance.

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