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Review of Busy Mom’s Guide to Parenting Young Children

I’m happy to give a review of a very timely book! It’s called the Busy Mom’s Guide to Parenting Young Children by Paul C. Reisser, M.D., published by Tyndale House.

What’s wonderful about the book is that is so comprehensive, but at the same time being a book that a busy mom can pick up and read about babies through 4-year-olds.  After having 8 children I have read lots of books and articles through the years.  I can’t think of a topic that I’ve needed that this book doesn’t cover!

Here are a few of the things you’ll find addressed in this book:

Finding good healthcare, breastfeeding, getting a baby to sleep better, colic, solid foods, safety, speech development, stranger anxiety, vaccines, weaning, disciplining a toddler, tantrums, teeth care, potty training, night terrors, friends, spiritual development, and lots more!

I also love that the book is written from a Christian perspective.  Here is one quote I loved:

“The question to ask Him isn’t ‘Why did You give me such a fussy baby?!’ but ‘What do You want me to learn about myself and life in general through this experience?’  You may be surprised at the answer.”

So, especially if you you’re a new mom or pregnant with your first baby, I would recommend you pick up a copy.  You’ll feel so much more confident as you enter this stage of your life!


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