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Review of Focus on the Family Radio Theatre “Les Miserables”

Les Miserables Radio Theatre

One of the best stories ever written, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, can be listened to in this exciting version from Focus on the Family Radio Theatre!

I love the story of Les Miserables and jumped at the chance to do this review!  We listened to it in the car, and it held all my older kids and me entranced.  I have always loved the story, ever since my high school did the play when I was a senior– I helped with the costumes :).   Later that year I saw the musical on Broadway!  I went on to see the musical about 4 more times and have the entire soundtrack memorized.  I’ve sung several of the songs for shows and auditions.  And, of course, I saw the new movie version a few weeks ago.  Baby E was very cooperative and slept practically the whole way through at the theater!

I wasn’t really sure how I’d like the Radio Theatre version, although I have enjoyed others of them.  Well, this one didn’t disappoint.  I give it 5 out of 5 stars!  As I was driving down the road tears were running down my cheeks when it ended.  Such a beautiful story of redemption, grace, and mercy.  The acting is superb, and I even liked the soundtrack (although I love the music from the musical).  I highly recommend this 3-CD set to all who love an exciting drama.  There are some mature themes (mention of prostitute, a man commits suicide, a shooting scene related to the French Revolution where people are killed), so you may prefer to play it only for the older kids.

Click here to hear an example of the audio!

After listening to these CDs, my 12-year-old son found the book and started reading it!  I tried a few years ago but didn’t get very far.  Now, I’m inspired to try again!

( I received a complimentary copy of this CD-set from Tyndale Blog Network in exchange for this honest review.)

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