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Review: The Verbal Math Lesson, Books 1-3

We have been doing a new type of math lesson lately–verbal math lessons!  Today I’m reviewing the books The Verbal Math Lesson: Step-by-Step Math Without Pencil or Paper, books 1-3 by Michael Levin and Charon Langton.

These books have been a perfect addition to our Circle Time that we do daily. It’s a time where I meet with most of my kids and to do the school subjects we do as a group (science, history, literature, Bible, and reviewing Scripture memory verses and speeches for our public speaking class).  Now, we add a few verbal math lessons each day! It really builds a skill in math that they don’t get from their written lessons each day.

There are 3 different books, for 3 different levels:

Book 1 is 208 pages with 31 lessons and is for ages 5-7.

Book 2 is 219 pages with 29 lessons and is for ages 7-8.

Book 3 is 245 pages with 29 lessons and is for ages 8-10.

The kids I’ve used the books with are ages 6, 8, and 9.  The way the lessons work is that you pick a lesson to work through orally with your child. The lessons are kind of long, so you won’t do one a day–maybe one for a week or more.  Each book has the lessons arranged sequentially, but you can also just pick a specific skill that your child needs extra practice with and just go from there.

Here are some examples of the lesson choices:

Book 1 works on skills such as Counting and Simple Adding, Addition and Subraction up to 10, The Meaning of double and half, Addition up to 25, and Subtracting two-digit numbers.

Book 2 works on skills such as Operation with 2-digit numbers, Adding numbers ending in 9, Starting multiplication, Division by 2 or 3, and Multiplication and division by 9.

Book 3 works on skills such as Properties of numbers, Counting money, Ratios, rates and unit problems, Finding the whole number from a fraction, and Factors and elements of algebra.

Each problem (and there are lots for each lesson) includes the answer right after the question.

I truly hope that by going through these problems with my kids that they will become much quicker at doing math in their head than I am!


Please visit to find more information about these books and more such as Big Words for Little Kids: Advanced Vocabulary for Elementary School Children (ages 8-11) and The Reading Lesson: The Intelligent Reading Program for Young Children.
And you can Download “Giggle Bunny’s Book of Stories” – totally free.

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(Disclosure:  I received complimentary copies of The Verbal Math Lesson books in exchange for this honest review.  This post also contains affiliate links.)

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