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Review of “My Timeless Locket: The Miracle of Freedom” by Anna Alden-Tirrill


I’m happy to review today My Timeless Locket: The Miracle of Freedom by Anna Alden-Tirrill today.  It’s the third book in the Annie’s Adventures Series.

This book really surprised me as it leads the reader into an adventure of historical fiction and science fiction–both of which I love!  It was really fun to read.

Annie, a 13-year-old homeschooled girl and only child is living in Scotland with her parents.  They are from America but have been living different places in Europe since her father is an astronomer who is offered short-term teaching and research assignments at different universities.

While in Scotland Annie finds out that she is related to the famous Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace. She meets other relatives and receives an heirloom (a locket) that has been passed down through the centuries.

Meanwhile, Annie’s father finds out that his astronomy research project has been compromised. The next thing they know the family is in Washington D.C. meeting with the President at the White House and other higher-ups at the Pentagon.

They need Annie to do something amazing to help save history. I don’t want to explain much more because it might ruin the story for you. But it’s a fun science fiction element, which is made to seem totally plausible and realistic. 🙂

I will say that although my 10-year-old daughter loved the first two books, this one wasn’t up her alley.  I think she may just need a couple more years on her and she will enjoy it.  Annie, the main character, is 13, so that’s probably closer to a better age for reading it.

The main characters are believers, so Christians will enjoy the fact that the people pray and talk about God’s involvement in their daily lives. Annie is also a homeschooled student, so homeschoolers will enjoy that aspect.

I recommend this third book in the Annie’s Adventures series: My Timeless Locket. I have book 4 which I will be reviewing in the next month or so. Check out the review for book 1 here and book 2 here.
Check out the Annie’s Adventure’s website to order these books.

Or here:

(Disclosure:  I received complimentary copies of the Annie’s Adventures series in order to write these honest reviews. This post contains affiliate links.)

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