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Review/Giveaway “Grace of God: A Story of Easter Traditions” DVD

It’s a blessed day today, the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!  Easter means that we have hope, we have forgiveness, and we have salvation.  If you don’t know Jesus personally and have assurance of spending eternity in Heaven, please pray and ask Jesus to save you today.  It’s a free gift–you do nothing to earn it!  Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Grace of God Movie
Hope, forgiveness, and salvation are the themes of the movie I’m reviewing today: “Grace of God: A Story of Easter Traditions.”

“Having lost his faith many years ago, Detective Bill Broadly is called to investigate the disappearance of the local church’s collection box. As he questions its various church members, rumors swirl as more congregants learn about the theft. When one unexpected church-goer confesses to stealing the funds, the confession resurrects Broadly’s views on God, and helps him see that through faith and belief there really is rebirth and redemption.”

 My husband and I enjoyed watching this movie.  It was a modern story centered around the workers at a church and the lady secretary’s family at home.  After the money is discovered to be missing, they decide to hire a private investigator instead of calling the police.  But the story of the theft ($30,000) gets out anyway and causes a lot of hurt feelings from those at the church who are now suspects.  The investigator is not a believer and hates the hypocrites in the church.  But it is the confession and repentance of the thief who changes his mind about both Christians and Christ.
About the movie:
Releases on DVD March 24, 2015
99 Minutes // Genre: Family, Inspirational // Rating:  NR


OFFICIAL WEBSITE (Walmart is the primary retailer.) 
 Enter to win a copy of the Grace of God DVD on the Rafflecopter app below.  The winner will be chosen on Monday April 13 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

Giveaways are only valid in US & Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

 Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this movie in order to write this honest review.

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  1. I have received grace when I was in need and I have given grace when I see others in need.

  2. I’ve received grace many times in my life. One incident involved my health and having been sick for years. I received God’s grace in his choosing to make me well. While I’m not 100%, I am so much better than I was and able to function fairly normally.

  3. I have recieved God’s grace many times in my life. One thing that has been so life changing was my desire to have a child, but my body would not get pregnant. I went almost 10 years of marriage without a child. His grace sustained me all those years. Then the Lord blessed me with a child, and continued to bless me over and over. From age 30 to age 45 I was pregnant 9 times, and gave birth to 6 live children and have 3 in heaven. This has been life changing for me and I can so no one but God did this. His grace!!! He gets the glory!!!

  4. Dianna Davis says:

    I have been the grace of my wonderful husband so many times. Michael has had three heart attacks,each was so scarry and then when he had surg on his spine he almost dies.because they found him at night drowning in his blood. Somehow,God always pulls him threw. Each time something happens to my husband God is the one that gets him through it.

  5. In 2012, my daddy went into hospital to have a stent placed in his heart valve. They went in and the blockage was to severe, so they did open heart surgery. Surgery went well and they sent us home for the night. During the night, Daddy came to and panic set in when he could not breathe because of the breathing tube. He aspirated and they placed him in a medically induced coma to try to help him heal. Mom and I sat there for the next 7 days, never leaving the hospital. During that week, we prayed at his bedside and talked with the doctors and nurses. Although there was a medical error, we never blamed anyone. We watched my Daddy get weaker everyday and we knew he would not survive. Mom and I had separately come to the same conclusion and we called for his doctor. She told us there was no hope, his brain function had ceased, and she told us how sorry she was. She said she had been keeping him alive for our sake. When we knew there was no hope, we thanked the doctor for everything and asked for Daddy to be taken off life support! He passed away within 2 minutes and I was thankful that God gave me the grace to handle the situation. I knew where Daddy was going, and I knew I would see him again!

    1. God graced me with a wonderful Daddy and he gave me the chance to be there at the end. I would never change that for anything, and I would never want Daddy to be here and suffering. God, as always, knew best!

    2. What a hard thing to go through. Praise God you’ll be with him again!

  6. I have been blessed with many beautiful children.

  7. DESIREE H says:

    God is awesome! 🙂
    I have grace every day with me through Jesus.

  8. I have been given grace after I had a horrible relationship and illness. God knew everything and I have a wonderful life now. Amazing! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  9. We all receive God’s grace every day.

  10. Four years ago I was diagnosed with stage 2 hodgkins lymphoma. God’s grace got me through 5 1/2 months of chemo and shots to protect my bone marrow. Without God’s grace and the support & love from my wonderful family I couldn’t have gone through it all. My sister is a cancer survivor of the same cancer. It’s hereditary for siblings. I’m cancer free 3 yrs. I give God all the Praise & Glory that my sister & I are cancer free. We both have left over side effects which aren’t fun, we have our lives so I’m grateful for that. Thank you for the chance 🙂

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