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Review/Giveaway “Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids” by Sarah Young

Jesus Calling Devotions for Kids giveaway

Today’s review is a kids devotional called Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids by Sarah Young, adapted by Tama Fortner.

The first thing you will notice about this beautiful book is that it has a soft, thick leather-like cover.  The bird looks like it’s sewed on!  It will be a fun book to pick up to read each day.

But the second thing you’ll notice is that the devotions inside are very touching and inspiring.  The book is adapted from the original Jesus Calling Devotional and has the same themes and scriptures as the adult version.  So, if you as a parent are doing it on your own, you will love sharing this book with your child.

One thing that’s so special about the devotions in this particular book is that they are written as if Jesus is speaking directly to you.  Here is an example from November 12:

“This is a time of plenty in your life.  Your cup overflows with blessings.  Enjoy this time–it is My gift to you.  . . .  Instead of trying to work for My blessings, I want you to receive them thankfully.  I give good gifts because I love to see your joy when you receive them.  So open your hands and your heart, and accept My blessings gratefully.  This brings Joy to you and to Me!”

Jesus Calling® for Kids—Deluxe Edition

*ages 8-12

*Now available in a beautiful leathersoft package

*Written in kid-friendly language

*Children and parents will share the same devotional themes for each day’s reading

*Deluxe package makes this a perfect keepsake or gift for special occasions

See the Flipbook here.

I have a copy of Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids by Sarah Young to give away!  Enter through the Rafflecopter app below.  For 18+, U.S. only.  The winner will be chosen on Saturday November 23 and have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in order to write this honest review. This post also contains affiliate links.)

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  1. We haven’t read the adult version, but we do own and have read the children’s version with the blue cover. This looks so great!

  2. I am in the middle or reading the adult version of Jesus Calling. I am not so good at reading it everyday but I am sticking with it. I am somewhere in the middle of May. Each morning I read it there is always at least one sentence that speaks to my heart.

  3. I’ve never read the adult version, but may checking it out now that I’ve learned about it! The kids book seems like something my daughter would love!

  4. DESIREE H says:

    I have not, however I do own it I believe. I think my step mother bought it for me! I need to get to reading it, but I have twins so its impossible for me to have a break lol

  5. Kayla Rice says:

    I have not but I need to check it out 🙂

  6. Danielle Jones says:

    I haven’t read the adult version.

  7. I have read the adult version. It was dear to me in college.

  8. allyson tice says:

    I’ve never read the adult version.the kids version looks great!

  9. Priya Ramki says:

    No…I haven’t read it….

  10. I’ve never read it, but will have to check it out!

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