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Review/Giveaway of 2014 Motivated Moms Planner

 I am happy to introduce to you the newly updated — in color!– 2014 Motivated Moms Half-Size Chore Planner with Scheduled Bible Reading {Color}:
Motivated Moms planner 001
Motivated Moms planner 002
There’s a giveaway, so keep reading to the end!
The Motivated Moms planners are just what you need to help you stay organized at home.  It tells you exactly what to do each day, so you don’t have to think about it.  And it includes chores that you would never think about (or at least I never think about).  🙂
They have brand new versions of the planners in color, but the original black and white versions are still available.  Here is a cover I made for my 2013 planner:
Motivated Moms Planner
Be sure to check out the website to see free samples.
(Disclosure:  I received a copy of the 2014 Motivated Moms Half-Size Chore Planner with Scheduled Bible Reading {Color} in order to give this honest review.  I am also an affiliate of Motivated Moms.)
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  1. I like the full page color planner with the Bible reading plan.

  2. I like the 16 x 20 size in sepia best. Thanks for the chance!

  3. I like the full-size color version with Bible reading. Thanks for a great contest!

  4. I like the full-size planner with Bible Reading schedule. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Kathleen Richardson says:

    I like the full-size color planner with the Bible reading plan.

  6. The “2014 Motivated Moms Page Per Day Chore Planner {Color}” would be my favorite.

  7. My favorite is the 2014 Motivated Moms Page Per Day Chore Planner with Scheduled Bible Reading {Color}.

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All About Spelling homeschool curriculum, now in color