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Review/Giveaway of Hermie’s “I Will Tell the Truth” DVD

This week I have a review and giveaway (see below!) of a wonderful DVD from Max Lucado:  Hermie & Friends “I Will Tell the Truth” and “Be Careful What I Say”.
Recently I was at a homeschool moms meeting and the topic of lying came up–specifically that a couple of the moms were having trouble with their kids lying.  Have you been there?  Oh,  it can be so frustrating and even scary.  You get to the point where you can’t trust them.  Not a good place to be with your kids!
I would recommend this DVD in helping to teach your kids why it’s wrong to lie and why it’s so important to tell the truth!  The second episode talks more specifically about learning to be kind in our speech (and apologizing when we’re not).  Anyone who still enjoys animated movies will enjoy these 2 episodes.  Even my 11- and 12-year-old sons watched it a couple of times!
We had checked this DVD out of the library a year or so back and LOVED it!  I’m so glad to own it now.  We love all the Hermie series of DVDs because they are very well made, and the stories are by Max Lucado–a masterful storyteller!  He even appears on the DVD talking to Hermie about the lessons learned.  It’s amazing the voice talent that they have: Tim Conway is Hermie, Don Knotts is Wormie, and Vickie Lawrence is Flo the Fly!
Story descriptions:  Telling the truth or saying you are sorry is not always easy, but it’s the right thing to do. These two beloved Hermie & Friends stories illustrate how God loves for us to choose our words carefully.

In Flo, the Lyin’ Fly the garden bugs grow tired of Flo’s flood of fibs. Like the little boy who cried wolf, Flo thinks it’s fun to tell stories that aren’t true. When Hermie and his friends discover they can’t trust Flo, they refuse to believe her when there’s real trouble. With all her lies catching up to her, Flo discovers the importance of always telling the truth, no matter what!

In The Flo Show Creates a Buzz, things don’t go as expected when Flo gets her very own TV talk show. She has to think about what to say, what to wear, and who to invite as guests. What she isn’t thinking about are other people’s feelings. After insulting every guest on her show and embellishing the truth to boost ratings, Flo realizes she owes them an apology. Flo learns that words are very powerful and saying you are sorry can make all the difference!

My kids also enjoyed the bonus features this DVD, including “behind the scenes” where they saw the actors doing the voices of the characters as well as learning how to draw Hermie.

You can read more about the Hermie DVDs at the Thomas Nelson site. 

Now, enter the Rafflecopter giveaway to win a copy of this DVD!  

(Rules:  Enter the giveaway of this DVD through the Rafflecopter app. The winner will be chosen next Tuesday by and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.  Winner must live in U.S. and be 18+ years old. )

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure:  I received a complimentary copy of this DVD in exchange for this honest review.  Post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. WE have several of the Hermie DVDs. I hope we win this one. My 4 kiddos would love it for rainy days!


  2. My 3 kids would love this DVD for road trips, and/or Saturday mornings.

  3. I would absolutely show these to my kids! Thanks for the chance!

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