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Your Kids will LOVE this American Girl Josefina Unit Study Like Mine Did

For the last 6 weeks my daughters and I have been using a multisensory homeschool curriculum (a unit study) for the American Girl books. I asked my oldest daughter which one she’d like to do, and she chose to do the Josefina unit study.  I’m glad I asked her because it would not have been in my top five choices, and we ended up enjoying it immensely!  Specifically, the downloadable unit study is called “Girls of American History Unit for Southwestern US/Josefina” and is sold by Girls of American History. (It looks like the site is no longer available.)

Josefina Unit Study

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

Girls of American History Josefina Unit Study

I was emailed a document that included all the resources for crafts and field trips as well as a suggested lesson plan.  Additionally, I was granted access to the resources page of the website for Josefina. This website will continue to be updated with additional resources to assist us in our homeschooling experiences.

The document included lots of information such as

  • books to read
  • instructions and pictures for crafts
  • ideas for art and lapbooks to do
  • ideas of field trips
  • how to have a Mexican Fiesta night to celebrate the end of the study

Weekly Plans and Schedule for the Josefina Unit Study

One thing that was particularly helpful was the weekly plans and schedule.  It tells you exactly what to read and do for each of the 6 weeks of the study!

Links for Further Study

On the website, you’ll be given access to the resource page which is packed full of great links!  There was so much more that we didn’t have time for.  I did choose some activities which required me to go out and purchase supplies for, but I could have just done some of the lapbook activities which would have been free.

Free Sample of the Josefina Unit Study

You can download a sample of the Josefina study here (no longer available).  There are 8 unit studies available from Girls of American History (Kaya, Felicity, Josefina, Kirsten, Addy, Samantha, Kit, and Molly). Buy them individually or purchase as a set!

Books we read for the Josefina Unit Study

Projects we did

Making tortillas and empanadas:

Homemade Tortillas 008

Homemade Tortillas 004 Homemade Tortillas 003 Homemade Tortillas 002

Homemade Tortillas 007


We made these Serapes:

Update–2 years later, my kids are still wearing them!


birthday, ocean box, Easter Prayer 027 birthday, ocean box, Easter Prayer 025 birthday, ocean box, Easter Prayer 024




watercolor whales 090 watercolor whales 102 watercolor whales 107


Clay vase and plate:


Clay 003 Clay 001

Clay 044 Clay 043Clay 024



Leather Stamping:

See a set here:

Clay 026

Clay 041

Field Trip to Bents Old Fort

One of the neatest things we did was visit Bents Old Fort in La Junta, CO. It was just like being in Josefina’s home!

Nebraska,Colorado Vacation 482

Colorado Nebraska trip 025

Nebraska,Colorado Vacation 504

Check out my Homeschooling- Josefina unit study Pinterest Board, too!

(Thank you to Justine of Girls of American History for providing me with a complimentary copy of the Josefina study so that I could write this honest review.  Post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Wow! My oldest daughter LOVES AG and I’ve been piecing together my own activities as we read through the books. This would be a GREAT addition to what we’ve been doing and I’d never heard of it! Looks like so much fun! Off to enter the giveaway…. 🙂

    Stopping in from the A Mama’s Story linkup

  2. What a great collection of activities! What a great way to study American history!

  3. I absolutely love all of these ideas & the cute pictures too of course.
    I’ve been working on putting together a list of online resources for each of the American
    Girl Dolls to share on my blog. Thanks for all your work & taking the time to share it.

  4. We’ve been working our way through the Kaya AG series and loving it! We’re fortunate enough to be part of a small book club put on by one of the moms in our HS group. She’s been hosting the discussion, scrapbooking, and crafts for the girls. It’s been a wonderful experience. This looks like an awesome resource!

    1. It is a great resource. I’m excited to get the rest of them now. 🙂

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