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Sale and Giveaway of Motivated Moms Planners

New Motivated Moms square

If you have read my blog for a while, you may remember me sharing about the Motivated Moms planners in the past.

This planner is just incredible!  It’s just what a busy woman needs!  What you’ll find is a planner that tells you what to do every day.  There are the basics (clean kitchen sink, read to children, take medications, vacuum living room), but also the exotic chores we never seem to get to (change the furnace filter, clean ceiling fan, clean freezer compartment in fridge, pull dead leaves off of houseplants).  If you follow it each day, you’ll get your spring cleaning spread throughout the whole year!  I love that!

Motivated Moms Planner

There are two different ways to use this planner–through an ebook format or an app.  In the past I have used the ebook format, printed mine out, and made a cute cover for it! There are lots of versions of this planner (different sizes, with or without Bible reading, etc.).

But lately I’ve been using it in app format.  There are so many different ways to customize it for what will be most useful for you.  When you make customizations, they will carry over when you renew it the next year!  It’s available for iOS devices (Motivated Moms) and Android.


The BIG SALE of the year is from December 31, 2014- January 2, 2015.  The ebooks are $2 off (so $6), no coupon code required!

The normal price is $1.99 for the app and includes 2 months of tasks and server access. The app will be on sale for 99¢. A year subscription is normally $7.99 but it will be on sale for $5.99.


But I also have a giveaway with 3 Winners!  You choose which ebook or app you’d like!  Enter below on the Rafflecopter app.  (If you purchase the ebook during the sale and then win it, you’ll get a refund.  An app purchase can’t be refunded, though.) The winners will be chosen on Sunday January 11, 2015 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.


New Motivated Moms rectangle

a Rafflecopter giveaway


(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  I have received complimentary ebooks and apps in order to honestly review them.)

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  1. I would get the app for the iPhone!

  2. I’d get the full page black and white with Bible reading plan.

  3. I had the 2014 app version and loved it. I’ve been waiting for the 2015 app to be released – I would definitely enjoy the annual android app!!

  4. Kimberly R says:

    I would pick the black and white version of the ebook that has scheduled Bible readings.

  5. I’d like the App for Android! 🙂

  6. I’d choose an ebook and I’d go with the Chore Planner with Bible Reading plan in black and white (ONLY because I don’t have a color printer)

  7. Finally figured it out… I’d choose the iPhone app.

  8. I think I’d like the ebook version that is page per day with Scripture readings in black and white. Maybe color. I could do the Android app, but it’d be on a tablet not a phone and I’m afraid I wouldn’t reach for it as much. Though reaching for a notebook would be about the same as reaching for a tablet, wouldn’t it? So I guess I’m still an “I don’t know”.

  9. I would use the Google Android app for my kindle or phone. this looks awesome and thanks for the giveaway!

  10. 2015 Motivated Moms Chore Planner {Black and White} is what I would choose.

  11. I think I’d like to get the app for my Kindle.

    Because I plan to purchase the app for my iPad with the sale price, and I read that it can be synced somewhere… having it on both iPads and Kindles would be pretty amazing.

  12. I’d pick the chore planner ebook in black and white. Not sure if I’d want the full page or half page version.

  13. I tried to use the Lite app on Kindle Fire, but there were no entries, just blanks. Is it updated for 2015, or is there something I need to do besides download it?

    1. Hi Kate! There was a problem with the Lite app but we fixed it. Sorry about that!

  14. I would take an app if it works on Kindle Fire.

  15. I have used this app for years! A lot of help for this busy mom!

    1. I use the app and will again!

  16. I’d want either the half-size chore planner (e-book) or the app. I’ve used both and really like them. I think the app is probably my first choice!

  17. I tried the trial version of the app once and loved it but then I forgot about it. I’ll have to look at it again.

  18. Rachel Henneberger says:

    2015 motivated moms half-size chore planner with scheduled bible reading {color}

  19. I’ve bee using the 2013 app and I can’t any longer (stops at dec 31, 2014) so I’d love the new app.

  20. Melody Martin says:

    I would choose the ebook format, so I can print it and put it in locations for the whole family to see!

  21. Betsy DiPaula says:

    I would love the WHOLE year app! This would be a great tool to use!

  22. I would get the app for my Iphone.

  23. Annamarie Magee says:

    I would need the Android app for my nexus

  24. I think Id want the printable. Can it be customized before printing? If not then I’d take the app:). Really I’d be thankful for either!

  25. Both styles would be applicable but I think I would chose the app. Thank you.

  26. I prefer the e-book version because I loooove crossing off tasks, lol.

  27. I’ve used the e-book version for several years! I’d love to win it this year!

  28. I’d choose the color printable version or iPhone. ??

  29. I want the app, but I really need a new phone first! Mine’s so old it doesn’t play nice with anything.

  30. I would love an e book with scripture! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

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