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Schoolhouse Review Crew Blue Ribbon Awards!


As you may or may not know, I have been a part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew since this time last year.  The purpose of the Crew is to review educational products from different companies who want to target the homeschool audience.  We are a large number of mom bloggers, so there are enough of us that we don’t have to review every single product.  These reviews are usually a bit more intense than the other reviews I do because we are required to use them for 6 weeks with our child (or children).  I noticed that by looking at the awards offered for the number one reviewed products this year that many of the top ones I didn’t even get to review!  So, maybe I’ll have to pick those next year if I get the opportunity!

But today I’d love to award the Blue Ribbon to my favorites that I did review this year.

First, I’ll list the reviews with their links so you can read about them if they interest you:–  a website with numerous courses on it

KinderBach– online preschool music (My 4-year-old’s favorite!)

Motivated Moms– ebook and app daily chore planner (actually tells you what to do each day!)

Talking Shapes– preschool app to learn about letters

Amazing Science DVDs– fun science demonstrations (My 8-year-old’s favorite!)

If He Had Not Come– Christmas book about Jesus

Egglo– glow-in-the-dark Easter Eggs, with a book and curriculum for having an outreach at your church

Curiosity Quest- fun DVDs that bring you on a fun and educational field trip

Philosophy Adventure- an interesting approach for studying high school philopsophy (my 13-year-old son’s favorite!)

Kinder Cottage Books– reprints of old books

Happy Kids Songs– song downloads to teach about different character qualities

7-Minute Planner– a comprehensive planner for moms

Under Drake’s Flag– CD story about Sir Francis Drake

Purposeful Design– a “coffee table” book about God’s creation

Snake Oil Party Potion Game– fun word game to encourage creativity

Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling Older Kids While Loving the Little Ones at Your Feet by Kendra Fletcher- ebook encouraging moms of preschoolers

Go Science DVDs – A group of kids take part in science experiments in these Christian-based DVDs

And I award the Top Ten Blue Ribbons to. . .

Spelling You See – an innovative approach to teaching spelling.  I’m still using this with my 8-year-old.

Spelling You See Review

UberSmart Math Facts– a simple math flash card program.  We’ll get back to using this soon.  It’s so helpful to have daily drill on math facts.

UberSmart Math Facts Review

CTC Math – Online math program that teaches.  Two of my kids are still using this.

CTC Math Review

Brinkman Adventures – a homeschooling family records these adventure story CDs about missionaries around the world.  When they make new CDs, we want to listen to them!

Brinkman Adventures Review

Micro Business for Teens– a course for teaching teens how to start and run their own businesses.  I will have my future teens do this when they get older.

Micro Business for Teens Review

My Student Logbook– a simple, but wonderful way to keep track of schoolwork and assignments throughout the year.  My 11-year-old daughter uses this daily.

My Student Logbook Review

Trident Case – strong cases for iPads (and other devices).  I love this case–it’s still on my iPad.

Trident Case Review

HomeschoolPiano – online piano courses, with a jazz influence.  A wonderful course.  My oldest wants to go through it as soon as he has time.

Homeschool Piano Review

Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms by Mary Jo Tate – a book for homeschool moms. I need to read this again–it was really good!


IXL Math and Language Arts– an online website to practice math and language arts skills.  This was the review that surprised me the most.  I was extremely pleased with IXL! Four of my kids still love using it daily.

IXL Math and Language Arts Review 019



(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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