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SQUILT Sale for Music Appreciation

SQUILT July 2015 sale

If you haven’t bought any SQUILT music appreciation curriculum yet, you need to do it before Friday!  These lessons are wonderful–very little for mom to do to prepare for them, good for all ages, and the kids will be exposed to lots of new music!

Super Quiet UnInterrupted Listening Time

Use code MUSIC15 at checkout to get 25% off any volume (usually $12 each) or bundle (usually $45 for all 4 volumes).

Sale ends July 15, 2015

What’s available?

Music appreciation for

Volume 1: Baroque Era

Volume 2: Classical Era

Volume 3: Romantic Era

Volume 4: Modern Era

Click here to see SQUILT music appreciation Samples.

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Dustin Mullenix says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the sale! This is what my wife and I need to teach our kids. Our musical talents and knowledge consist of being able to locate the “play” and “volume” buttons on an iPod.

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