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Surprise in the Mail

Yesterday we got a heavy box in the mail from Apologia Ministries.  Since I’ve already ordered and received almost all the curriculum we need for next fall, I was wondering what it was.  It said on the invoice “Winner”–so I won one of those online contests that I sign up for quite often!

Inside the box was the “Who Am I?” textbook and notebooking journal and the Around the World in 180 Days teacher and student texts.  I have been looking at that geography curriculum for quite a while and will be excited to use it in the future.  But, I’m thinking that I will definitely use “Who Am I” next year.  It will fit in perfectly during our afternoon reading time when I read from the Bible, science, history, poetry, and novel.  We’ll just add in this wonderful worldview curriculum as well!  The notebooking journal looks great, too, so I’ll have to decide whether to order more of those (and the coloring book for my little girl).

Thanks, Apologia!

(This post contains affiliate links.)

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