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T-Tapp Deep Discount Tuesday: Total Workout and More!

Get the Total Workout Package for only $79.95 for Today’s Deep Discount Tuesday!

(This special will only be offered on 1-15-2013 and will expire at midnight EST – no exceptions.)


**To find the special, click the above “Yes You Can” banner and see the left column that says Recent News: Deep Discount Tuesday! 

In this Total Workout package you will receive the following 6 items as listed below:

#1 T-Tapp Total Workout DVD Set: “The Workout that Works” for all ages and fitness levels. This total body workout has a special sequence of comprehensive, compound muscle movements that use isometric linear alignment along with lymphatic pumping to deliver higher aerobic, strength, flexibility and body sculpting – as well as rehabilitative benefits to shoulders, back, hips and knees.  Inches drop quickly since muscles are developed with density, not bulk, to cinch-in, uplift, tighten and tone.  The Total Workout also teaches how to increase intensity without adding weights or repetitions so you can always challenge your body and get results with only one set of 8 repetitions.  Less IS more with T-Tapp!  The Total Workout delivers a full body program that not only builds a better body with optimal fitness and wellness, but helps you keep it for the rest of your life.  The T-Tapp Total Workout includes:

  • Instructional Workout #1: teaches how to do each exercise step by step with detailed instruction.
  • 15-Minute Basic Workout Plus: includes all of the movements from Instructional Workout #1 done without instruction at the regular pace, plus the exercise Hoe Downs.
  • Instructional Workout #2: teaches how to do each exercise in the second half step by step with detailed instruction.
  • 55-Minute Total Workout: includes all of the movements from both Instructional Workout #1 andInstructional Workout #2 done without instruction at the regular pace.

(Retail $79.95)


#2 Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes book:  Perfect as a reference manual, the book teaches each exercise, step-by-step and in great detail for two of Teresa Tapp’s signature workouts, Basic Workout Plus (Chapter 4) and Total Workout (Chapter 5), along with an easy and effective way to lose without dieting. It explains how to “use your body as a machine to comprehensively activate more muscles so you can lose inches quicker, build better bone density and condition your heart without equipment and with only one set of 8 repetitions.” Motivational and educational, Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes will help you understand how to look better, feel better, have healthy hormones and stay fit forever.  (Retail $16.95)



#3 Yes You Can 
Seminar DVD:  90-minute seminar explaining how and why the T-Tapp program works, includes several exercises to target different areas of concern (arms, torso, back fat, stomach, thighs, knees, inner core balance) and how to apply T-Tapp techniques with daily activity.  (Retail $19.95)


#4  Step it to the Max- Core Cardio Workout DVD:  50-minute workout.  This walking workout is similar to Step Away the Inches (25 minutes), but contains more upper body movements and step/lift sequencing for increased core cardio concentration. In addition to detailed instruction with form tips, Step it to the Max also includes T-Tapp warm up and cool down stretches for comprehensive conditioning. Equivalent to walking about 5 miles!  Remember, fat burning continues through stretching and with Step it to the Max you’ll feel the heat from start to finish!  (Retail $24.95)



#5 Tempo Arms Variety Workout DVD:  29 minutes.  Tempo Arms is done at a smooth, slow tempo for better isometric isolations and optimal results. Although a full body workout, extra emphasis is placed on the Deltoids, Biceps, Triceps, and Latissimus Dorsi muscles. This workout features the exercises Butterflies and Triceps Curls, plus 4 more new arm exercises!  (Retail $27.95)



#6 Radio Interview featuring Teresa Tapp Audio CD.  This is a fantastic audo CD featuring a radio inteview with Teresa Tapp, Dr. Roizen, Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone talking about health, wellness and optimal fitness!  (Retail $5.00).


(Post contains affiliate links.)

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