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T-Tapp’s Premium Alfalfa on sale today!

T-Tapp’s TOP selling product, Premium Blended Alfalfa, is this month’s Deep Discount Tuesday! I’m getting this one today!

Update: T-Tapp is no longer available. I now use — and LOVE! — The Balanced Life Online Pilates with Robin Long. 🙂 

This Tuesday ONLY (6/17/14) Buy 1 bottle of Premium Blended Alfalfa and get a second bottle for FREE! LIMIT OF 3 SETS (6 BOTTLES TOTAL).


Alfalfa is one of the few plant sources of vitamin K. It’s considered a “food”, not an herb or vitamin and it’s safe to take with any type of medication without side effects. Alfalfa also contains 8 digestive enzymes, numerous trace minerals (like calcium/magnesium) and high quantities of Vitamins A, D and E. Alfalfa is plant protein so it naturally assists the body in elimination of “puffiness” caused by water retention without depletion of body nutrients whether it be from excess carb consumption or hormonal during menstrual cycle. In fact, the American Dermatology Association clinically proved (published in May ’99) that alfalfa reverses aging of the skin of the face (however, skin is ONE organ that covers the entire body, not just the face). That’s because the nutrients in alfalfa enable the body to produce its own collagen to the level where skin can “tighten”, varicose veins can lessen and dark circles under the eyes disappear.

Alfalfa is also alkaline producing so it can help offset acid imbalance created from sugar, processed foods and/or meat. Our bodies NEED alkalinity – most of us are too acidic. Alfalfa has also been clinically proven to be anti-cancerous and as an effective anti-inflammatory without any side effects. Great for those with arthritis, joint injuries and/or muscle soreness from overuse. It really stimulates hair and fingernail growth too.

Premium Blended Alfalfa from Better Body Basics is of optimal quality, organic and pesticide free but what really makes it special is the way it has been processed so nutrients remain intact without any alteration to protein molecular properties. That’s why you will not gain weight with Premium Blended Alfalfa. Additionally, the percentage of protein in Premium Blended Alfalfa is 25 to 27% (most good quality alfalfa is in range of 21-22%). The reason the Premium Blended Alfalfa is higher is that the crop is sprayed with ionic minerals during growth. Last of all, alfalfa can help the body with hormonal balance. Intake of alfalfa stimulates the Pituitary Gland, which in turn regulates hormone balance including the internal release of Human Growth Hormone (shown in clinical studies at the National Institute of Health). You can read more about the many benefits of alfalfa on the Internet.

T-Tapp’s Premium Blended Alfalfa is safe for autoimmune diseases such as Arthritis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, etc. The main reason is that their brand does not have any seeds or sprouts.

(Disclosure: I am an affiliate for T-Tapp and this post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Can you still find the Premium Blend Alfalfa by Better Body Basics? It’s such a shame that her entire brand has died.

  2. Have you found any brand comparable? I agree it’s a huge shame her brand died. Your explanation here on her alfafa is so good…surely some other company might have something you use instead that is as good? Thank you!

    1. I haven’t found a comparable brand! I’m so sorry.

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