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Here's another tag I thought I'd try:


Jobs you have had

1.  Record store clerk

2.  Voice teacher (still do this one)

3.  Public school choir director and elem. music teacher

4.  Early childhood music and movement teacher (still do this one)

 Movies you could (or do) watch over and over again

1.  Sense and Sensiblilty (my favorite!)

2.  My Big Fat Greek Wedding

3.  The Sound of Music

4.  The Music Man

4 Places you have lived
1.  Texas:  Houston, Midland, El Paso, Waco, Canyon, Arlington and Fort Worth

2.  Holland

3.  Anchorage, Alaska

4.  Tripoli, Libya

5.  Illinois:  Arlington Heights and Mundelein
4 TV shows you love to watch
1. We don't watch TV

4 Places you have been on vacation
1.  Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin

2.  Victoria, Canada

3.  Ruidoso, New Mexico

4.  Orlando, Florida

4 Websites you visit daily( usually)
1.  Hotmail
2.  Homeschool Blogger


4 of your Favorite Foods
1.  Chocolate chip cookies, my husband's recipe!

2.  Chocolate cake

3.  Pizza

4.  Lasagna
4 Places you would rather be right now
1.  Can't think of anywhere–I like where I am, my home


4 Bloggers you are tagging:  anyone who reads this who wants to!

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