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The Bible Trivia Game: Day 2

The Beginner’s Bible Trivia Game for National Bible Week

Beginner's Bible Trivia Game for National Bible Week


We hope you’re enjoying playing The Beginner’s Bible Trivia Game! (Check back at this post for rules, etc.)

Are you ready to test your knowledge with more questions? Some might be easy and some might be tricky! Get your kids or grandkids involved and see if they know the answers to some of these questions, too!

Day Two Trivia Questions:

  1. Where did young Jesus grow up after returning from Egypt?
  1. What kind of wood was used by Noah to build the Ark?
  1. What was the name of the group of religious leaders who often tried to “trap” Jesus with their questions?

Update: The winner is Sherry.

 **Put your answers in the comments section! The first 5 to have all three answers correct will go into the drawing to win The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories



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  1. 1. Nazareth
    2. Gopher wood
    3 .Pharisees (and Saduccees)

  2. 1, Nazareth, 2. Gopher or cypress wood, 3. Pharisees and Sadducees

  3. Judith Martinez says:

    Where did young Jesus grow up after returning from Egypt? Nazareth

    What kind of wood was used by Noah to build the Ark? gopher

    What was the name of the group of religious leaders who often tried to “trap” Jesus with their questions? Pharisees

  4. Andra Harris says:

    1. Nazareth
    2. Acacia
    3. Pharisees

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