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The Butterfly Story

A couple of Sundays ago I had the privilege of going to my niece and nephew’s baptism.  It was at Willow Creek Community Church, and there were 700 getting baptized that day.  It was amazing!

Afterward we went to a restaurant and I was talking to one of my sisters-in-law.  She said she has a desire (even though she knows it isn’t best) to go before her kids and remove all the obstacles and pain for them so that it will make life easier for them.  It reminded me of the butterfly story.  You can read it here:

Sometimes the struggle has a purpose. . .

Here is a picture of how I put this up on our wall.  My kids made the butterflies by coloring white coffee filters with markers and then spritzing them with water so that the colors run.  After they dried they put a pipe cleaner around the middle.

coffee filter butterflies

coffee filter butterfly

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