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“The Children of Space” – A Movie my Son is in!

Film class

Three times a year my kids participate in a drama, dance, or singing class provided by Spotlight Youth Theater. They have such a variety of classes, and the showcases they put on at the end of each session are such fun! This last session my second son was in a film acting class, and here is his movie, written and directed by Sean Anderson.  They learned how acting for film is different from acting live on stage.  They did all of the filming at a church with a green screen, and then Sean spent countless hours editing and adding special effects!  Since the filming took place over a period of three months, the kids had to wear the same clothes to class each time–including having their hair the same.  I was so happy to finally have my son’s hair cut when they were done!

Here is what Sean says about the film “The Children of Space”:

“In the future, we sent our children to the stars. This is their story.

The Children of Space is an homage to low budget B-movies and Toho science fiction films of the 1960s. ”


Here is a video of the bloopers!  I had fun watching this because it gave me more of an idea of how they actually filmed it.

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  1. What an awesome experience! It looks like they had so much fun!

  2. Your children seem to have so much fun with their acting. It’s always a joy to see!!

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