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The Five Senses of Bananas

The other day my 6 yo said,
"Mom, I don’t like all five senses of bananas.  I don’t like to taste them.  I don’t like to smell them.  I don’t like to see them.  I don’t like to feel them." 
"And you don’t like like to hear people eat them?"  I asked.
"I don’t even like to hear people talk about them!" he said.
I guess he really doesn’t like bananas!

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  1. JacqueDixonSoulRestES says:

    This was so hilarious, as am sitting next to a kindred spirit on the banana front…. she can't even stand to think about them!


    It grosses her out if I have her get one of her siblings a banana or clean one of her siblings up after eating a banana…

    lol! cracks me up.

    So, this was funny, and tell ds that he is not alone!



  2. FruitfulFamily says:

    LOL! It sounds like something my 5 yr old Caleb would have said.

  3. JacqueDixonSoulRestES says:

    Jocelyn has had a problem with warts for the past few years… guess what we found to be a cure for warts in our research???


    So, this dear, sweet banana-hating child has had to tape banana peels to her for hours at a time recently!!!

    I came back to visit and read down to here, so I had to just add this!!!




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