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This week’s homeschooling plans

I’m grateful to say that our weekly "Independent Work" charts are working great for my 2nd and 3rd grade sons.  I print out a new chart every Monday, and they start working on it as soon as they’re done with breakfast (with Bible reading and BSF lesson to be done before breakfast).   They are supposed to be done by lunch time.  The only other thing that we do in the morning that isn’t "independent" is Bible Time:  I lead in a lesson and Bible reading (right now we’re going through "Leading Little Ones to God"), sing, pray, and memorize and review Scripture.  I also work with the boys on their math lessons on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and their science lessons on Tuesday and Thursday.  And in the afternoons I work on phonics lessons with my 6 yo, listen to my 7 yo read aloud, and I read aloud to those three for about 45 minutes (novels, historical fiction, God’s World News, biographies, and/or poetry).

Here is this week’s Independent Work:

Morning Hygiene (brush teeth, vitamin)                        

Morning Chores (empty dishwasher)                           

Copywork (Matthew 5) (10 minutes)                           

Violin practice (20 minutes)                                         

Spanish (listen to lesson 7, tracks 13 and 14)              

Classical music—listen to Holst’s “Mars”                    

Read daily of Greek Myths                                              

Narration—find me and narrate what you just read   

Read a book to one or more of your siblings                

Recess—15 minutes of free play                                 

PE—  TappCore or run laps                                          

Memorize Matt. 5: 14 on        (5 minutes)    

History notebooking pages, two daily                          

Math –Beta (lessons 3, 4, and 5)                                                

Science- pages, projects, and read with Mom                  

Art-draw from a drawing book                                          

BSF lesson & practice verse daily (before breakfast)  

Guitar practice (10 minutes)                                                

Afternoon:      Silent reading of novel  (30 minutes)           

Game with brother (30 minutes)                                     


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