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Trip Pics #3: Being a Tourist in Pennsylvania

Hershey, PA:  We just went to the free Chocolate World and drove around the town.  They have a neat amusement park called Hershey Park, but we’re not the amusement park-type of family yet!  Don’t you love these lamp-posts?  In case you aren’t familiar with his story, Milton Hershey built this town around his chocolate factory to be a wonderful family place for his workers.  He did so well that he didn’t have to lay off anyone during the Great Depression.

We were able to see Thomas the Tank Engine from our car on the way to Gettysburg:  It was free and we avoided the crowds!

Gettysburg, PA:  We visited the Visitor Center first and went through the museum.  They have an awesome circular painting.  Somehow, my husband and I missed it when we went to Gettysburg 8 years ago.  Make sure you see it!  We bought a CD that explains the battle as we drove through the battle site.  It is a very somber experience to picture all the thousands of young men who lost their lives during those 3 days in July 1863.  I also recommend watching the movie “Gettysburg” before going (teenagers and adults only.)  They have not built any buildings on any of the battleground.

The Crayola Factory in Easton, PA:  This was required as far as my artistic 7 yo son was concerned!  I’m glad we went because it was very fun for the kids.

They gave the kids Model Magic to play with.  It’s pretty neat.  We’ll have to try some here at home.  It works a bit like clay where you can mold it, but it’s much easier to work with.  You can paint or color with markers on it, and it dries in about an hour.

Seeing how markers and crayons are packaged.

Historic Philadelphia, PA:  This was one of my favorite cities to visit.

Independence Hall:

Nursing break:

The room where the US Constitution was debated and written.

Ben Franklin’s glass armonica:

Another of Ben Franklin’s inventions, a four-sided music stand, perfect for a string quartet!

Franklin Stove:

This was the actual box where George Washington sat at Christ Church in Philadelphia.

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